Hello one and all and welcome to my news page. Here you can see me as my two alter egos the ever efficient secretary Prudie Jones, Evette the Spivette and plain old little me as you catch up with all that is current in my world. Regrettably unlike Prudie my spelling is quite frightful at the best of times due to my dyslexia so I shall apologise now for anything which might be shamefully mis-spelt. In the mean time I hope you find this page fun, entertaining and informative and become a regular visitor to my site.

Kind Regards

A Voice in a Million

Up & Running Through the Summer With Tea in Hampshire!

Out for Tea in Southsea!

I’m sorry my blog is a little later than normal this week but if you have been following me on Facebook you will see I’ve just returned from spending a few lovely days away with Paul in Hampshire. It’s great to see things slowly starting to get back to normal and with lockdown it’s been ages since Paul and I were able to spend some quality time together. The 4th July was Poppy’s 11th Birthday so as soon as I finished my show on Saturday I made my way down to Portsmouth to be with Paul and Poppy.

It’s been such a treat to be able to pop into a café for tea while out walking and we certainly made

Paul enjoying his Fruit Tart!

the most of our time together as we visited Southsea and Lyndhurst in the New Forest. We decided to take a picnic with us to the New Forest, only we got ambushed by the wild ponies who decided to help themselves to our apples. After a bit of a drive around it was certainly safer in the antique shop and Mad Hatters Tea Rooms in Lyndhurst as we made the most of our new freedoms with the lockdown restrictions being less rigid than they were.

Now I’m home, it’s back to work and good to see more of my customers opening up to outside

Packing Up From My Driveway Concert in Babbage Grove!

performances. I’m still continuing with my Driveway Concerts and once again I’m booked up for this week. Last weekend I was in Babbage Grove. Tomorrow I’m performing a Big Band & Sing, Rock and Roll Show in Fallowfield. Then on Sunday I’m in Meadow Way performing for a Birthday. With many of the larger events cancelled for 2020 I had a few weekend slots available. I put my available dates up on Facebook and yesterday I was inundated with offers which means I’ve now filled my Summer!

Restrictions are being lifted and I have a couple of events I’m keeping my fingers crossed will be able to go ahead, although it’s still early days and I

Out in the New Forest!

like to make sure I have a plan B, just in case.

With the shops reopening I decided it was high time to invest in a couple of new pairs of running shoes. I needed a new pair before lockdown but I was unable to get to the shops in time. So last Thursday I made it over to Milton Keynes to “Up and Running”. It’s quite an art buying the right running shoes as the assistant checks your running style and gate. On this occasion I splashed out on two new pairs as my gym shoes dated back to the 1990s. I’m ashamed to admit that I bought them when I was working out in Japan. I can’t

Happy Birthday Poppy!

believe that was 1993 – older than the lady who served me who was born in 2000!

I’ve been running a lot during lockdown and I often like to be out for an hour everyday which enables me to do eight to ten laps around my local park. It’s helped me to tone up and lose a little weight which is so important.

Another of my projects has been working on a 1940s capsule collection. Earlier this year I purchased a black and white Lilli Ann suit which inspired my imagination. It needed to be altered

Trying Out My New Trainers!

as I had it tailored to fit my figure. I’ve just had a red blouse and matching trousers made so I can interchange and mix and match it in my wardrobe. The colour inspiration came from a 1940s Bakelite maple leaf brooch I had, which I plan to wear next year when I sing at Bretteville l’Orgueilleuse. Bretteville made up part of the Juno Canadian sector during D-Day.

That’s all my news for now. Keep Following and Toodle pip! 😉

My Old Running Shoes Ready for the Bin!