Hello one and all and welcome to my news page. Here you can see me as my two alter egos the ever efficient secretary Prudie Jones, Evette the Spivette and plain old little me as you catch up with all that is current in my world. Regrettably unlike Prudie my spelling is quite frightful at the best of times due to my dyslexia so I shall apologise now for anything which might be shamefully mis-spelt. In the mean time I hope you find this page fun, entertaining and informative and become a regular visitor to my site.

Kind Regards

A Voice in a Million

A New Normal, Hair Beautiful & V for Victory!

Driveway Concert at Fallowfeild!

The world is turning and times are changing as we all do our best to adjust to the new normal. Today I was thrilled to have my first hair appointment in months as Kim set to work on my colour and gave me a trim. It’s good to feel a little more like myself as I strive to get my look back after so long. I feel my hair has lost something of it’s beauty during the lockdown and it was wonderful to spend a few hours today at the hairdressers being pampered.

It’s still very much business as usual and I have a busy week ahead combining my scheduled shows with Driveway Concerts. Yesterday I had the

Hair Beautiful!

pleasure of performing on a bridge over a large pond in a beautiful garden in Beaconsfield. Tomorrow I’m in Aylesbury with my “Hooray for Hollywood” show and then on Friday I shall be singing the “Magic of the Musicals” in Leighton Buzzard. I have a busy weekend ahead with two back-to-back Driveway Concerts on Saturday and one on Sunday, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for good weather.

My Proms seasons is starting shortly with many clients looking for that Last Night of the Proms experience. With the lockdown I can offer an alternative without clients having to worry about booking a socially distanced orchestra.  Every year I like to run through my songs, especially Rule Britannia, as it’s easy to mix up the verses and it’s important I get it right along with all those other patriotic favourites.

Singing from the Bridge in Beaconsfield!

I’ve been thinking a lot about music lately and the numbers I want to put into production. I’m currently working on “The Wizard of Oz” which I would like to have made into a medley. I’m often singing songs in my head while I’m out running – thinking about musical combinations. “The Wizard of Oz” will tick a lot of boxes with Halloween coming up and also offer something

V for Victory Brooch!

fresh for Christmas and my 1940s shows. Although restrictions are being lifted I still think it’s unlikely that any 1940s events will go ahead this year. I’m still holding out for August’s Stonehurst Farm event and I’m waiting to hear back from Pickering. We all live in hope but realistically I think it would be safer to write this year off and start a fresh in 2021.

Last weekend I had the pleasure of performing a Driveway Concert in Fallowfield as members from the local Rock and Roll group came and danced to my music. I performed Rock and Roll and Swing tunes from the 1940s, 50s & 60s and included the Chuck Berry number “Roll Over Beethoven”.

Happy Birthday Tigger!

Most of my dates for the summer have gone now although with regards to my originally contracted events anything could happen. It’s very much a

case of taking one day at a time, and hoping a vaccine for Covid-19 can be developed soon.

On a brighter note I’ve taken to buying more things online. Earlier this week my 1940s original V for Victory brooch arrived from America. It took a month to get here and I was so thrilled to receive it. Now we all must wear masks in shops the shopping experience won’t be the same. I’ve also ordered a 1940s suit from America which I’m really excited about. It’s so thrilling to receive something in the post you’ve been waiting ages for, which brightens the day.

That’s all my news, except my cat Tigger had his 8th birthday on Friday. Stay Safe, Keep Well, Toodle Pip and thanks for Following!