Rehearsing at St Barnabas Church!
December 2020 has got to be the toughest Christmas ever. Normally by now my Christmas season would be in full swing but this year I’m constantly battling against the endless Covid restrictions mixed in with having to perform out-side and the wet and cold weather. I managed to squeeze in an out door “We’ll Meet Again” show last week. The last 40s uniform show of the year.
We’ll Meet Again in the Garden!
Although I’ve now got zoom up and running in reality most of my customers aren’t rigged up for it, or understand how to use it to best advantage. It takes some skill from both parties to get it right and I performed my first zoom show on the 1st December.
The interesting thing my audience at the other end didn’t have a web-cam so I was working blind. All I could see was a tiny thumb nail of myself in the right hand corner of my iphone and it took me awhile to realise they could see me perfectly well squinting at the phone wondering why I couldn
Trimming my Sitting Room Backdrop with Fairy Lights & Christmas Cards!
Rehearsing at St Barnabas Church!
‘t see them. It wasn’t until I telephoned through I discovered every-one was watching me on their large screens. I must have been very comical, looking confused with my glasses on, speaking to them on the telephone before the penny dropped and I was able to start my show properly.
It’s important to remember that zoom is a porthole into your world and the audience can see everything. Don’t make the assumption that just because you can’t see them they can’t see you. When I did my zoom rehearsal with my web-designer Karen suggested I put up some fairy lights and decorations. I can’t tell you how long it took me to put up my lights and Christmas cards. All through the show I was praying, please don’t fall down as the back drop is so important.
After my show I telephoned my client and they said they could see and hear me well and every-one enjoyed the show. Phew! It looks like my little mixer was a good invested. I have another couple of zoom shows to perform the end of this month but I’m constantly working from day to day. Apparently I was only the second entertainer who had performed for them via zoom. Their last entertainer had his airing rack in shot with his underpants and socks drying in the background which I guess is how not to do it. Thank goodness I had fairy lights!
Next Thursday I’m planning on streaming a 6.30pm virtual concert live from St Barnabas
The Worst Christmas Sweater of All Time!
Church in Leighton Buzzard with fellow singer Richard Stark. The concert was Richards idea and St Barnabas is renowned for it’s beautiful acoustics. We will be streaming the concert live onto our Facebook pages. Last Monday we had a morning rehearsal and I was able to stream a few numbers from the church. Richard and I have put together a great program of Christmas carols and songs which we hope every-one will enjoy.
I always enjoy singing in church as the acoustics are a perfect fit with my voice type. Richard is also a classical singer and I’m looking forward to hearing him sing O Holy Night. It’s been a while
Dreadful Christmas Sweaters – Yuck!
since I last worked with him so I can’t wait and I’m looking forward to the concert very much.
That’s all my news for now but I shall leave you with a few photos of horrible Christmas sweaters. Just when you think the Christmas sweater couldn’t get any worse I saw these in Tesco tonight. Aren’t they dreadful!
Keep Following and Toodle Pip! 😉