Me With Audrey Today!
It had been my intention to blog long before this moment to tell you the latest about my Christmas Season. Although I’m sure many of you who follow me regularly would have guessed I’ve been extremely busy with the run up to Christmas. I’ve been travelling from venue to venue performing two shows daily all week and last night when I came in I had to go straight to bed. Although I’m good a pacing myself last night was one of those nights when I had to say “To hell with the paperwork” and to sleep I went. I’ve been doing a lot of travelling this month and I’ve had rather too many late nights and early mornings. Today I felt so much better after 11 hours sleep and quickly bounced back into “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree”. Sleep is the best thing! Although now I’m busy back at my desk catching up!
What with everything going on at the moment I can’t blog for too long tonight as I’m heading off to the South Coast on Christmas Eve straight after my show in High Wycombe. I still

My New Christmas Dress!
have much of my packing to do as I’m away for for New Years Eve too and I need to sort out a couple of evening dresses. Speaking of dresses my new Christmas dress has been doing it’s job. It’s lovely when a plan comes together as I bought the vintage Liberty fabric ages ago and I was able to pair it with a velvet bolero I picked up from a charity shop 10 years ago. My dress maker Judi was able to cut the bolero down and pipped it to match the dress . The outfit was designed to complement my Christmas broach and as with many of my dresses I have them made with interchangeable features. This one has an ortunative bolero which I will probably wear in the Spring for “The hills are alive” and all that!
Rather excitingly I’m pleased to announce I have two new videos up loaded to You Tube “Requiem for a Soldier” and “La Marseillaise”. I’ve been working with Iain on my International pages which you can see by clicking the button

Dressing for The Season!
which makes up my contents bar at the top of this page. It will drop down and you can see my French Day pages and my new Italian shows page which now have proper translations. We still have a few more photos to add to the Italian page but it’s starting to take shape nicely and I hope it will make things easier when I’m pitching to the French and Italian markets.
In the mean time here are the links to my new videos which as yet I haven’t even put up on Facebook due to being so busy. For Requiem we were able to do something a little different this time and used a couple of still photos of me on stage in Normandy with the Veterans combining both the British ATS and American WAC uniforms. At first when I filmed Requiem I was thinking more along the lines of the Americans with the Band of Brothers theme but I think combining the British as well is a good selling point by adding in the still photos. Enjoy – https://youtu.be/UME4pkNsUWc https://youtu.be/AyUyYF96n_Y

A Quick Selfie with Santa!
I’m afraid this will be my last blog for the year as I’m away all of next week and I wont be back at my desk until the 2nd January. By then I will have lots to tell you of my time away and more lovely photos to sure with you all. You may remember in my last blog I was talking about my Amp Yam. Well it would appear I’m not daft after all and I have a dry joint affecting the stereo sound. After I thought I had sorted the problem the stereo issue appeared again and I had to work a couple of my shows in mono. Sometimes the stereo works fine and sometimes it doesn’t so it must be the switch. Another little job for the New Year!
All that’s left for me to do is to thank all those of you who have engaged me to perform and supported me this year. I’d like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and here’s to a Fantastic 2018! I look forward to catching up with you all in January. Toodle Pip and Keep Following! 😉