Back in the Hair Dresses!
Yes it’s official Christmas is here and as you can imagine I’m well into the swing of Festive shows. Last weekend I was working flat out to get all my paperwork ship shape, presents wrapped and tree up before hitting the road. I’ve now more or less caught up although I have to confess I still have my Christmas cards to do. These last few days I’ve been on the beauty trail between performances having hair and nails done ready for the season as it’s important to always look ones best. (Shame about the photo but what can I say I’m a work in progress!)
My new songs “It’s beginning to look a lot like

Tree Up & Presents Wrapped!
Christmas” and “Santa Baby” have been going down well with audiences and with all this travelling I’ve already started work on researching Disney numbers for next years show, “A Fairy Tale Christmas Spectacular”. I’ve been talking to Paul about Disney music and until fairly recently I had no idea he was such an authority on Disney films. I grew up in an age where unless you went to the cinema to see them when they came out they weren’t readily available. Unlike today where it’s easy to buy a DVD or You Tube is just a click away.
With my current Christmas show flowing freely and well bedded in my brain it’s allowing me space to think about other music and plan for the future. I love to be creative and I start rehearsing “My Fair Lady” in the new year. I watched the film the other day while making a pill box hat and it’s refreshed my memory. I have a very clear idea how to stage the show and adapt it into a one woman performance. Paul very cleverly

Homework for 2019!
was able to find me a professor Higgins hat on line and I can’t wait to play all those characters. Of-course I know Eliza very well but it’s Higgins I’m looking forward to getting my teeth into and re-sighting all those wonderful words!
This weekend I’m working in Eastbourne at the Lansdowne Hotel and I still need to type up my show plan and sort out a suitable dress to wear. It’s going to be a bit of a dash as I have a show in Middlesex just before so I will need to get my skates on. Speaking of which I had better leave it here tonight as I still have a few more e-mails to send before going to bed.
Keep Following, Toodle Pip and bye for Now!