Getting Set to Head off on Tour 1940s style!

I’ve Been Busy Sorting Out My Washing!
As you can see by the lateness of the hour I am once again burning the candle at both ends. I’m off on tour to Wales tomorrow for Llandrindod Wells’s festival which this year has been split into 3 parts. The 1940s, Victorian and Steam Punk. I’ve been engaged to perform for 3 days covering both the 1940s and Victorian Music Hall and as you can imagine I’ve been very busy all this week preparing my uniforms and costumes. I’m going to be away for 12 days. I’m heading onto Scotland straight afterwards for the WW1 Pack Up Your Troubles Festival which is taking place in Gretna Green. I shall be breaking my journey in Chester and then heading straight on into Scotland on Thursday so it’s going to be a very busy 12 days.
A tour like this requires a lot of costumes and I’ve packed up 12 suit carriers of wardrobe. I have 17 shows to perform all of which require costumes changes so Connie is going to be pack full to the brim. I though at one time having a van would give me more room but it’s surprising just how much space my costumes not to mention the four hat boxes take up. This weekend I will be performing 3 x 45 min shows daily in Llandrindod Wells plus

I’ve been Praticing My Songs for Gretna!
Sunday Night at The Commodore Hotel where Paul will be joining me on stage so I hope you can all make it along to the festival. Times are likely to change slightly but you can catch me on stage as follows Saturday 22nd 11am WRNS Show, 2pm Horay for Hollywood 3.30pm WAAF Show, Sunday 23rd 12pm ATS, 1.30pm US WAVES, 3.30pm 1940s glamour, Sunday Evening at The Commodore GI Jive + 40s Glamour, Monday 24th 11am Victorian Glamour, 1.30pm Burlington Bertie Set and to finnish 3.30pm Pearly Queen.
On Friday night I will be joining forces with the Scottish Academy of Music and the Annan Town Band for a Music Hall Evening at the Richard Greenhow Centre in Gretna. I’ve just been putting together my sheet music as I’m going to be accompanied by a trio on Piano Violin and Cello. I have a 9am rehearsal with the musicians on Friday morning with much to do over the weekend. On Saturday I’m booked to sing at the Edwardian Tea Rooms at the Richard Greenhow Centre before heading over to Backster Hall for another performance at 3pm. Sunday Evening you will be able to catch me on stage from 7pm performing my full Music Hall Show at All Saints Church so as you can see, it’s going to be a very busy 12 days!

You Can Catch Me on My Mobile this Week!
I shall be away from my desk and not back before the 1st September so if you need to get in touch please do call my mobile.You can find the number by clicking onto the “Contact Fiona” tab on the right hand side of this screen
I really must get to bed now as I’m so tied but rather thrilling Angela Adams has sent me through her photos from the 1940s photo shoot we did together at The Control Tower so I shall leave you with a few of my favourites. You can see more photos by clicking onto my facebook star at the top of this page.
Thankyou for following and I will catch up with you all in September
Toodle Pip!