Paul and I Between Christmas Shows!
I’m afraid I can’t spend too long on my blog this evening. I’m busy with the Christmas season and it’s important I get to bed tonight at a reasonable hour. I’ve been working hard, often performing two shows daily, mixing fairy tales with Christmas favorites and it’s important I pace myself and not burn myself out too soon. I’m no stranger to burning the mid-night oil but with my current work load I can’t afford to cheat myself of sleep.
I’d like to start by thanking every-one for your lovely Christmas cards and good wishes for the season. I’m woefully behind with my cards this year and I’m trying very hard to catch up between

Opening A Full Sized Advent Calendar!
shows and failing miserably, while still attending to my office work and e-mails. I’d like to thank Gordon especially for my beautiful Rita Hayworth Christmas card and my mystery fan for the lovely book of vintage stamps. They are delightful and it’s so kind of you to think of me and to take the trouble of sending them.
I can’t believe how quickly Christmas will be upon us and how much I need to get ready before Christmas Eve. I’ve two shows that day one in Harrow then onto Amersham. Afterwards it’s straight down to Porchester Castle to sing for midnight mass at St Mary’s Church followed by a couple of shows on the South Coast before heading back up to Bushy to perform for Chanukah at Bushy United Synagogue. The next day I’m singing in Birmingham, New Years Eve Paul and I will be at Warwick Castle and then I’m straight into Happy New Year shows. I need to get all my packing, music and costumes sorted by Sunday evening so I really need to get cracking!

New Look’s Red Shoes Take Two!
All this singing is hard on clothes and costumes and when it comes to shoes I would rather buy a good quality pair of expensive shoes every time. If you follow my blogs you will know I went shopping for red shoes a few weeks ago and already the bright red New Look pair are starting to fall apart. They match my Christmas dress perfectly and are extremely comfortable to wear. They were the only shop which had the right shade of red so I went back a week later and bought another pair as I knew these shoes wouldn’t last the course. Even though I change into them when you are singing and dancing shoes wear quickly and I can’t stand to see scruffy

Meeting Up with Santa!
foot wear on stage.
I’m pleased to announce I now have a new You tube banner which you can see by clicking the link. https://www.youtube.com/user/1940sDiva1
Karen has been working extremely hard on my web-site and I’m keen to give my site a new look which will be a project for 2020/21. At the moment I can’t quite decide how the new design template should look as we move my web-site into wide screen.
Last weekend Paul joined me for a couple of my shows which took us to Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire. I shall leave

Merry Christmas From Paul and I!
you with a few of my photos from this week.
That’s all my news for now. Have a Lovely Christmas and New Year. Keep Following and Toodle Pip!