Hello one and all and welcome to my news page. Here you can see me as my two alter egos the ever efficient secretary
Prudie Jones, Evette the Spivette and plain old little me as you catch up with all that is current in my world. Regrettably
unlike Prudie my spelling is quite frightful at the best of times due to my dyslexia so I shall apologise now for anything
which might be shamefully mis-spelt. In the mean time I hope you find this page fun, entertaining and informative and become
a regular visitor to my site.
It’s just a very quick post to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and not forgetting Chanukah too as I wish all my Jewish fans complements of season.
I’m working two shows daily and once again I’m burning the midnight oil trying to get my paper-work straight before I head off down to the south cost for Christmas. Christmas Eve I’m singing Schbert’s Ave Maria for Midnight Mass at St Mary’s Church, Portchester Castle, So as you can imagine I’m busy packing my costumes. I dash back up the country on Sunday to perform for a Chanukah party in Bushy, “The Great American
Merry Christmas!
Song Book” 1920s style and then I’m straight onto Birmingham with my last “Fairy Tale Spectacular show” for the year. Paul and I will be seeing the New Year in at Warwick Castle, so this will be my last post for the year.
I’d like to thank-you all for following my blog and keeping up to date with my travels. 2019 has been an amazing year and it’s been a pleasures to share all my adventures with you. I’d also like to thank all my customers for engaging me to perform and here’s to a fantastic 2020. I’ve already many dates and I’m looking forward to developing some new shows for 2020.
In the mean time I shall leave you with a few of my Christmas photos and a video of me singing Ave Maria. Such a beautiful song and perfect for this time of year!
I look forward to catching up with you all in the new year, when I will be able to share with you my photos from my time away.
Toodle Pip & Merry Christmas! 😉
The Ever Efficient Prudie JonesPrudie JonesIn the OfficeMiss JonesA Glimpse of Stocking Spivette Style!That touch of Mink!“What did you say?”Smile for the Camera!Pretty FloralsOn the RadioTa Dah!Stylish Hair!Glamour PussI've Got Something To Say!"He Did What?Hitting the High Note!Evette the SpivetteDress to ImpressAll Ready for the Weekend!Me Looking Glamorous!Fiona as an Avenger!Teachers Pet!So kind of you to call!You Caught My EyeLittle Old Me!I'll Make a NoteHave you met Miss Jones?
Pretty in Pink!Stage Beauty!Sizzle!Have You Met Miss Jones?Summer Lovin'!Que Sera SeraAction!Mr Sandman50s FloralsBurlington BertieLet's Do ItEnchantingHere's Looking at You Kid!Happy and GloriousIn Cabaret