All Set for Flywheel!
It’s just a very quick blog tonight as it’s late and I still have all my uniform buttons and shoes to polish in prep for “Flywheel” this weekend. If you caught my last blog you will know I’ve been booked to perform 3 x 45 min shows daily over the weekend Saturday 11.30am – WW1, 1.45pm – 50s and 60s, 3.45pm – 1940s ATS, Sunday 11.30am – 20s & 30s, 1.45pm Glam songs from the 50s & 60s, 3.45pm 1940s WAAF Show.So I do hope you can all make it along.
I have a full day tomorrow and I can’t blog for long tonight sadly so if you would like to find out more about the “Flywheel” event do click onto the festivals web-site at www.flywheelfestival.com There you can read press and find out about booking tickets although hurry as I think the reduced ticket price ends on Friday evening!
It’s promising to be a fantastic event and has been billed as a festival of Historic Motoring, Aviation and Military Endeavour so I’m looking forward to performing there very much. The event is taking place at Bicester Heritage, Buckingham Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 5HA and it’s the first time this historic site has been opened to the public for a major event. I have a wonderful selection of shows planned covering music from WW1 – to 1960s to complement the vintage vehicles and aircraft so I do hope you can all make it along.
Today I was performing for a private party in Wing for Ladies Day which was perfect as we had such delightful weather. All the ladies had their gorgeous hats on and the party took place in a beautiful garden setting and marque. Before I arrived a screen had been rigged up to view the racing live from Ascot and I belive quite a bit of betting had been going on with many a fortune won and lost this afternoon! Thank goodness the money played was only Monopoly – such fun! I always put a lot of thought into my shows but today I thought with it being a smart event I would include “Putting on the Ritz”, “Stepping out with my Baby”, tunes from My Fair Lady – after all who could forget the Ascot scene and those wonderful words “Move your Bloomin’ ….!” Oh and just incase you are wondering no I didn’t say it – although every-one else did!!! Shock horror I almost fainted!
Well must dash now thankyou for following and I will catch up with you all when I return from “Flywheel”.
Toodle Pip and Bye for Now! 😉