Paul and I at The Ettington Hotel!

Out and About in Stratford Upon Avon!
Hello every-one it’s been another busy week with the run up to Christmas. I did nine shows last week and I have another ten to do this week. In fact I’m Jingle Bell Rocking my way through to the end of the month while trying to fit in the writing of Christmas cards! Every year it’s the same, it never seems to matter how many cards I write I always receive that one card on Christmas Eve from the one person I’ve forgotten which always makes me feel terribly rotten! Maybe this will be the year when I judge the Christmas Card thing just right. Fingers Crossed!
Firstly before I go any further thank-you everyone for your lovely e-mails and comments about my new magazine, “Vintage Fair”. I’m so pleased you have been enjoying reading it. Rachel and I have put so much work into the magazine and it’s wonderful to know you have been enjoying this the first issue. So if you didn’t catch “Vintage Fair” last time here is a link. http://issuu.com/fionaharrison-avoiceinamillion To enlarge the pages there is a slide bar at the bottom of the screen as “Vintage Fair” appears on a social media site for magazines called Issuue. That’s what’s so wonderful about the age we live in now – anything is possible. If you have the way with all you don’t have to take no for an answer. You can broadcast yourself quite easily

Trying On My New Dress!
using all sorts of different mediums. Speaking of which this January I’m going to be working with film maker David Pustansky on some new music show reels. I’m starting with the music of the 1950s and 60s as I feel I have a bit of a gap in my video library when it comes to this vandra so I’m looking forward to getting started once we have Christmas and the New year out-of-the-way. I’m already putting together my out-fits and thinking about 1950s 60s hair doos! I think we can safely say it’s going to involve quite a bit of back combing!
This weekend Paul and I have been working at The Ettington Chase Hotel just out-side of Stratford Upon Avon. I like Stratford very much and I was able to pop into town and pick up a dress I had ordered from Aspire Style on Sunday. Some of you may remember I was singing there on the 3rd for the shops special Christmas open evening, so it was lovely to pop along and see Kirsty again. Stratford always looks very prity at this time of year with the Christmas lights and it’s a wonderful place to shop. After all a girl can never have too many pairs of shoes or dresses!

The Ettington Chase Hotel!
The reason I came to be in Stratford was because I had been engaged to perform my Christmas Show at The Ettington Chase Hotel by the order of St George. It was the first time I had had the pleasure of performing for the club and Paul was also able to join me on stage not only as my sound engineer but as singer too. Our show went down so well we were invited to stay an extra night at the hotel and join the club for their Saturday night dinner dance which was just wonderful. It’s very rare for me to have a Saturday night off in December but as luck would have it Paul and I had planned to stay over anyway.

Off to the Dance!
I always make sure I carry a spare evening gown just in case as we danced the night away to the Tony Strudwick Big Band. Paul’s singing is coming along a treat and Friday’s show couldn’t have gone better. Paul mixed the sound beautifully and his vocal style is fabulous to listen too. Well done Paul I think you have made some great new fans!
That’s about all my news, although I’m afraid I will only have time for one blog this week with it being so busy. I’m back in the gym with Elliot tomorrow morning before heading off to my show.
Keep Watching and Toodle pip!