On Stage as Henry Higgins!
After the launch of “My Fair Lady” this week I’ve been performing the music of the 1950s, 60s and 70s as I tie up all my loose ends. This Saturday I’m off down to the South coast for a little mini tour of Chichester and the surrounding area before heading up into London on Wednesday to perform for The Woodland Trust’s drinks reception at St James’s Palace. I believe Princess Anne will be attending and I’ve been engaged to perform in Edwardian costume music from the Music Hall and 1920s as the trust celebrates it’s centenary.
London jobs always take a lot of organisation as parking in town and having to unload equipment

Getting Ready for St James’s Palace!
can be a big worry especially if you have to use a public car park. Fortunately I found out to-day that the Palace use their own sound company so I don’t have to worry about setting up my own rig which is a real luxury and weight off my mind. So as you can imagine I’m really looking forward to singing at St James Palace very much as I crack on with my show plans and make sure I have all my costumes pressed and ready for next week.
It seems strange not to be performing “My Fair Lady” after such a busy opening week. My next “My Fair Lady” performance isn’t until the beginning of April which is just around the corner although today I had a meeting to try and organize the filming of the show using the drawing room at Norcot Court. I’d like to employ a different film maker for this

Thinking Edwardian for St James’s Palace
project although it all depends on what they are going to charge. I’m keeping my fingers crossed I can afford it so we will have to wait and see. The modern world changes so quickly and I’m currently looking at a new web-site template. As yet I haven’t found what I’m looking for although it’s time to open up my web-design into cinema scope and wide screen while still keeping my vintage theme.
On Sunday and after far too long an absence I was able to record another show for 1940s radio.com. This time I decided to put a show together with a Military flavor. I had a few problems to begin with as my radio computer hadn’t been switched on since September and it had so many up dates to make. However after a bit of a shaky slow start it came right and I’m keeping my fingers crossed HQ received my recordings loud and clear with-out a hitch.
This Friday all my equipment is booked in for it’s annual PATS test as I get ready for the new season. That’s all my news for now. Keep Following, Toodle Pip and bye for now! 😉