Wimpole Halls War Time Walk!

Looking Over My Italian in the Hairdresses!

Paul and I Between Shows at Wimpole!

First Show of the Day!

Paul Outside Wimpole Hall!

The Sand and Motorcycles Event!

On Stage with Paul!

Enjoying the Show!

Nice Bike!
Once again it’s been another busy weekend of shows. On Friday I was in the hairdressers bright and early getting ready for the weekend. I’ve so much to cram in over the next couple of weeks so while I was in the hair dresses I took along my Italian. It’s hard to belive Paul and I will be flying out in less than two weeks to Milan and I have so much to get ship-shape first. Rather annoyingly my singing teacher has spotted a few misprints in my song book which has made the job a little more difficult than it should be – but we are getting there!
On Saturday I was booked to sing at Wimpole Hall thanks to my friend Lynda Styan and Event Plan. Wimpole Hall is a beautiful National Trust property in Arrington near Royston and although I was only there for one day the house was already reporting a record-breaking gate. I’d been booked to sing in the tithe barn 3 x 15 minute sets during the day plus a 30 minute dance set in the evening. Lynda already had a show that day so I worked the Saturday and Lynda worked the Sunday sets with us both doing a slot at the Saturday evening dance. This was a beautiful event and the tithe barn made for a wonderful location. I was also on with the Spitfires and Pete Wayre who like me came in as a last-minute booking due to someone pulling out at short notice.
The tithe barn is situated at the farm and once Paul and I had finished our shows we took the War Time Walk to the house which was very interesting. All along the path were WW2 re-enactments which told stories about the 2nd world war, from American field hospitals to fleeing French, Polish troops to families having picnics. It’s always a bit of a dash once one has got off stage to see these things but I’m so pleased Paul and I made the walk and saw something of the house. We only had half an hour to look around which means we must visit Wimpole Hall again sometime in the future. The house has some wonderful paintings which when I return I will be able to look at properly rather than the American tourist way. When one sees Americans in London they often say they have done it all by lunch time where I like to take my time.
On Sunday Paul and I were playing in Leighton Buzzard at The Sand and Motorcycles Rally in Pages Park. This year the theme was WW1 and I had been engaged to perform the music of WW1 – the 1960s over 3 x 45 minute sets. Just like Saturday we were lucky with the weather and rather than do 3 sets in costume I thought it would be better to mix the music which went down very well with the visitors. The event was staged by the Leighton Buzzard narrow gauge railway and the park was packed with motor bikes of all ages. So many thanks to Neil for inviting me to sing Paul and I had a great time.
Now I’m back home I have much to plan for as I start filming again this Friday and Monday at the Limelight Theatre in Aylesbury. If you have been following me you will know my next showreel will show me singing the music of the 1940s and 50s as I move into “Glorious Technicolor”. A lot of thought goes into my costumes and the songs I sing and I’m looking forward to sharing my new songs “I’ve Heard that Song Before” and “Saturday Night” with you all very soon. I tried these numbers out at the weekend and they seem to go down well which is good news!
On that note I must dash as I have many more e-mails to send out tonight and contracts to do.
Keep Watching and Toodle Pip!