Hello one and all and welcome to my news page. Here you can see me as my two alter egos the ever efficient secretary
Prudie Jones, Evette the Spivette and plain old little me as you catch up with all that is current in my world. Regrettably
unlike Prudie my spelling is quite frightful at the best of times due to my dyslexia so I shall apologise now for anything
which might be shamefully mis-spelt. In the mean time I hope you find this page fun, entertaining and informative and become
a regular visitor to my site.
It’s just a quick blog today as I have to get myself packed up for Norfolk and ready for Saturday’s shows. Today I did a show for a home where the residents suffer with very serous dementa and I’m just so pleased I was able to bring these people out of themselves through music. To be a professional singer is a job of privalage and durring my carear I’ve seen it all. When I entered this room there were people shouting and auguing with each other but when I stated to sing they soon forgot their problems and started to join in with me. I think what is very sobering is this could be anyone of us in a few years time and I can’t think of anything worse than to loose ones mind. Not everyone can entertain people with dementa as it is a highly skilled job. Today was a great success and very rewarding! I also did a small photo shoot with my friend Joe who has been niked named The Poppy Man of Pitstone as he stands out-side the Village stores and collects for the whole durration for the appeal. I only wish there were more people like Joe in the world. Sadly one hears so many stories about people who use the appeal to line their own pockets and don’t give to charity at all. Such people should be taken out and shot. I can’t think of anything more dishonest and dispickable than to steel from charity. I hope I never come into contact with one as I feel sure I would delight in giving them a very public dressing down! Must dash now – much to do and Toodle Pip!
The Ever Efficient Prudie JonesPrudie JonesIn the OfficeMiss JonesA Glimpse of Stocking Spivette Style!That touch of Mink!“What did you say?”Smile for the Camera!Pretty FloralsOn the RadioTa Dah!Stylish Hair!Glamour PussI've Got Something To Say!"He Did What?Hitting the High Note!Evette the SpivetteDress to ImpressAll Ready for the Weekend!Me Looking Glamorous!Fiona as an Avenger!Teachers Pet!So kind of you to call!You Caught My EyeLittle Old Me!I'll Make a NoteHave you met Miss Jones?
Pretty in Pink!Stage Beauty!Sizzle!Have You Met Miss Jones?Summer Lovin'!Que Sera SeraAction!Mr Sandman50s FloralsBurlington BertieLet's Do ItEnchantingHere's Looking at You Kid!Happy and GloriousIn Cabaret