Tea at Shuttleworth House!
This week has been a bit of a busy one. I’ve been working hard in the office between performances and I’m pleased to say I’ve now caught up with all my contracts and e-mails. A lot of work goes into mapping out a year and it’s very rewarding when it starts to take shape and come together. Dates are selling although there aren’t any big trends for this year. The only important birthday I’ve come across for 2017 is Vera Lynn’s who will be celebrating her 100th on the 20th March. So Happy Birthday Vera and as you might imagine I’ve sold my “We’ll Meet Again” show and much of that week to the retirement home market for whom Vera Lynn is so very important!
Last week I started on the first of my Valentine shows and that theme continues right through into next week. So it was rather lovely to-day to step away from performing and

Enjoying Tea at Shuttleworth House!

High Tea!
the office and take my mother out to Shuttleworth House

A Charming Painting!
for High Tea. I’m sure many of you are aware of the Shuttleworth collection and museum in Bedfordshire which bosts a wonderful collection of aircraft and motor vehicles which date right back to the dawn of aviation and motor transport. The house has recently opened up as a Wedding venue and for special occasion High teas for which today was the first I think. As it’s Valentines day on Tuesday today’s tea had a Valentines theme and every-one received a red rose and a chocolate heart which both my mother and I thought was a lovely touch.
After tea guests are permitted to explore the grand period rooms which have a wonder selection of paintings. Many are of animals although it’s true to say there is such a selection of all sorts from grand portraits to Moorish scenes. You can even find a portrait of a pretty young nun holding a bucket which looks a little like a watering can. So quite what’s the story is behind that painting is any-ones guess.
On the stair case leading to the billiard room I found a charming painting of a dog sleeping on his masters coat and hat which I particularly liked and above the door of the study you can see two owls on a branch which was painted by Frederick Smallfield. In the entrance hall there is a beautiful portrait of Dorothy Clotilda Lang who married Colonel Frank Shuttleworth in 1902. The portrait also shows her son Richard as a small boy who grew up with a passion for engineering and for whom we owe so much of the Shuttleworth collection to today.

Dorothy and Young Richard Shuttleworth!
I’ve always admired old masters of great ladies in beautiful dresses and of which Shuttleworth house has many. So if you are looking for somewhere special to take your mother for Mother’s Day why not choose Shuttleworth House and a cream tea as your special treat. The next cream tea date falls on Mothers Day the 26th March. You can find more details on the Shuttleworth web-site at http://www.shuttleworth.org/mothers-day
Both my mother and I had a fantastic time and we would thoroughly recommend a visit. Shuttleworth House have Cream Tea dates arranged all through the year. It’s better value than high tea at Luton Hoo and at Shuttleworth their is an opportunity to look around the house with easy access for car parking.
I will be returning to Shuttleworth on Sunday 6th August where I have been engaged to sing for the Edwardian Pageant, Opera to Music Hall and on the 3rd September for Shuttleworths Heritage Day songs from the 1920s – 1960s. So I look forward to seeing you all.
That’s all my news for this week, but next week I start editing my latest Operatic and Music Hall showreel. So Keep Watching and I shall keep you posted.
Toodle Pip and Bye for now! 😉

Chandeliers and Beautiful Paintings in the Ballroom!