My home town of Linslade – Leighton Buzzard is back in the news tonight with it being 50 years since the great train robbery. In fact there has been a steady flow of people through today to look at the bridge where it all took place. To be honest the bridge is nothing special to look at very ordinary and non discript so I’m sure it must have been very disappointing to all those people who came along to see it today. There is nothing Disney about that bridge!
It’s only a stones throw from where I live and I often drive under it on my way to shows. Something I did today infact! I’ve just been watching a program about the robbery tonight and it’s great to see all the old footage. The court where the trial took place has now been turned into flats and it’s on Wing Road not far from where I live. It’s great to see the old films and to see how Wing Road looked back in 1963. It really hasn’t changed very much at all. Just alot more cars now!
Today I had an 11am show in Chalfont St Peter but to my shock and horror the battery had gone in my alarm clock. When I woke I thought it was 7am thinking I had another hour in bed not realising it was 9am. When I realised it was 9.25am and I had to be on the road for 9.30am. Forchatly I always lay out my clothes for the morning so a quick wipe round with a wet wipe I had breakfast while I was doing my hair and out the door I shot leaving at 9.45am. That is a record for me but I arrived and started my show on time so all’s well that ends well!
Tomorrow I’m in Biggleswade and I’m taking some time out this weekend. I’ve been invited to a party on Saturday and my friend Bill has invited me for a trip on his barge – so I shall be sailing down The Grand Union Canal on Sunday.
That’s about all my news for tonight. Thanks for following and Toodle Pip!