Just a quick blog tonight to let you know my new FAQ page at long last is now up and running on my web-site. It’s been ages in the planning but I’m really pleased with it and it gives the answers to all those questions I’m often being e-mailed about. So I hope you all enjoy the page and the photos too.
It’s great to see the web-site taking shape and I have lots of plans for the future with many more pages to go up in time. Thank-you for all your comments about my new Sound of Music video I’m pleased you’ve been enjoying it. This is the sort of music I grew up with and it’s nice to go back to my roots and be all Julie Andrews again. Just like Julie I like good diction! I hate it when I can’t hear the words!
After a very busy couple of months I’m pleased to say I have a few days to get my feathers straight again and catch up on my paper work. Having a week in bed did rather put me behind but I am starting to get straight again and I have my accounts to write up too.
Today I saw my accountant as I had a meeting with H M Revenue and Customs. It’s something all small businesses have to go through where they send someone to check on your book keeping and to see if you keep proper accounts. In fact the gentleman from Revenue and Customs told me my book keeping was excellent – no worries there – so onward and upwards as they say!
Well Must Dash as I have a few more contracts and e-mails to answer before bed.
Keep Watching and enjoy my new page Toodle Pip!