Hello one and all and welcome to my news page. Here you can see me as my two alter egos the ever efficient secretary Prudie Jones, Evette the Spivette and plain old little me as you catch up with all that is current in my world. Regrettably unlike Prudie my spelling is quite frightful at the best of times due to my dyslexia so I shall apologise now for anything which might be shamefully mis-spelt. In the mean time I hope you find this page fun, entertaining and informative and become a regular visitor to my site.

Kind Regards

A Voice in a Million

Sunday in the Photographic Studio and Getting Set for France!

Fiona Harrison at Saracen House

Getting Ready for Camera!

Fiona Harrison and Colin Aldous looking for the perfect shot.

Looking for the Perfect Shot!

It’s been all go this weekend as I spent Sunday working with photographer Colin Aldous in the studio. As with all theses things I always make sure I do the preparation beforehand and I had booked myself in for a spay tan late on Friday afternoon after my “Happy and Glorious”show. I was straight round to Kim’s hair salon on Saturday morning making sure my hair was set and in place for Sunday. I’ve found from experience that a spray tan really helps before I go before the camera as I’m naturally very white. No matter how careful you are when applying the base make-up there always seems to be a line of difference when it comes to blending in so a spray tan saves so much time and worry.

On this occasion I was keen to record some of my late 50s early 60s dresses I hadn’t had a chance to have photographed before. When it comes to up dos from this period they always work well with evening dresses and I took along two formal gowns. One I had recently had re modeled by Judi a beautiful peacock velvet which I had re lined plus a gorgeous black sequin number. Both will be included into my web-site at a later date and I was also able

Fiona Harrison at Kim of Quainton's Hair Salon

Before the Shoot at Kim’s Salon!

to get many of the dresses photographed I’d used in my 1950s 60s show reel. So keep watching this space! I also felt that this shoot was long over due since I’ve been including out-fit of the week on facebook.

I have to confess I have been doing rather a lot of late but it’s important to get all these jobs done now while I have the space to do so before starting on my Summer season. On Sunday Colin was able to shoot 12 outfits and Paul very kindly came along and helped me as my dresses. We were also able to get some great shots of Paul too. He’s planning to record an album sooner rather than later so this was a wonderful opportunity to work on getting some shots for the album cover.

In 8 days Paul and I will be setting sail for Normandy so this week I have much to sort out in the way of uniforms and dresses. I still have those last minute jobs to do

Fiona Harrison in her French Flag Dress

Vive La France!

and it’s important I check over my show plans and I have everything typed up and prepped ready for France. This year Paul and I will be staying along the coast at Port en Bessin although we have been engaged to perform two shows in Arromanches on the 4th and 6th June. I will have more to tell you about that in my next blog.

In the meantime enjoy the behind the scenes photos from Sundays shoot. I’ve enclosed a few with this blog but more can be seen by clicking my facebook star in the top left hand corner which will take you through to my

Fiona Harrison looking glamorous on set

In a Glamorous Fashion at Saracen House Studio!

facebook page. I must dash now as I have a Magic of the Musicals show to do this evening and I need to get ready.

Keep Watching and Toodle Pip! 😉