Back in Arromanches with the Veterans!
Remembering the 1940s!
Hello every-one as you can imagine I’ve been busy this week planning my shows, practicing my French and packing my luggage in preparation for my D-Day performances which this year will be taking place in Arromanches. I know Arromanches very well as I’ve performed there many times before. I think this may be my sixth D-Day commemoration visit so I’m looking forward very much to singing and seeing the veterans, in particular Len Cox who often likes to join me on stage and sings along with my songs. Some of you may have seen my Arromanches video of Len and I together on stage in 2012. If you haven’t click onto this link which will take you through to my D-Day page and you can find it there
This year I have been engaged to perform twice in Arromanches with my first performance on Saturday 4th at 7.30pm or as the french would say at 19.30h. This will be a 1940s ATS “We’ll Meet Again” show and is due to last between 60 – 75 minutes. However I’m on after the Claquettes Americaines which are a French tap dancing group and no-one
Len Cox and I in 2012!
knows how long their act lasts for. I have a full stage to rig which takes a good hour although I usually like to leave myself an hour and a half just to be on the safe side. It may be a bit of a dash but I’m sure it will be alright on the night. I will make sure I bring my Lucozade so as to keep my strength up!
My second performance is on Monday 6th June from 9.30pm – 11.00pm or 21.30h – 23.00h. This will be a glamour “In the Mood” 1940s show consisting of British, American and French songs. Paul will be joining me on stage too which is all very exciting and I know he’s been working hard practicing his songs. Just before hand a large air show will be taking place from 17.00h – 20.00h. Arromanches is expecting something in the region of 10.000 visiters for the air show although I expect by the time I step out on stage my audience will be down to about 3.000. It’s all very exciting and Paul and I have a great show planned. So if you are in town it would be lovely to see you. I will be bringing along my albums which make wonderful souvenirs – hint hint! 😉
Wearing my French Flag Dress From Sundays Shoot!
Of course Paul and I are keeping our fingers crossed all will be OK with the ferries. We don’t sail until Wednesday morning but with the fuel shortages in France and with so many workers going on strike we hope all will come right by the 1st. What will be will be and there is no point worrying about it now. We just have everything crossed as we would hate to miss D-Day due to French strike action.
I head down to Portsmouth on the 31st May which also marks the centenary of the Battle of Jutland. If everything goes to plan Paul and I should be at sea on the 1st and it’s easy to forget just how important the Jutland battle was. My Grandfather fort at Jutland and it was the largest dreadnought naval battle in history. The British out numbered the German ships by three to two yet lost 5.672 men to 2.115 and three more ships than the eleven the Germans lost. The effects of Jutland were decisive despite British Navy losses the battle secured the status quo and British supremacy of the seas. It also reinforced the British Naval stong hold to such a point that the German Navy had to revert to submarine warfare which ultimately failed.
Paul and I will see you in Normandy!
Despite prepping for France this week I’ve been able to sort out a lot of loose ends. I now have all my contracts up to date and I was able to drop in my accounts to my accountant this week too. I was working with David this Wednesday looking over the film footage from the other weeks filming so I hope it wont be too long before I have a new 1920s 30s showreel to share with you all. Colin also dropped in the photos from last Sundays photo shoot so it’s now full steam ahead with my Summer season.
This will be my last blog before heading off to France on Tuesday so I look forward to catch up with you all when I get back. In the meantime do check out my facebook pages as I will post up some videos and photos before I go.
Keep Watching and Toodle pip!