It seems I’m not the only one who has been ill these last few weeks and just as I’m starting to get right again I’m hearing about all sorts of people being struck down with ill health. This weekend I’m off to Colchester as I’m booked to play at The East Anglian Railway Museum. Sadly so many of their volunteers have been taken poorly that they have had to scale things down – but the show must go on and I’m looking forward to playing the Museum very much as it will be my first time to Colchester. So I hope you can all make it along to support the event. Do check out their web -site at www.earm.co.uk they also have a facebook page too so do take a look www.facebook.com/eastanglianrailwaymuseum I’m down to do 3 x 45 minute shows daily. Saturday 11.30am ATS 1.30pm “Stars and Stripes”, 3.30pm “In the Mood” American Glamour, Sunday 11.30am Wrens, 1.30pm “Hooray for Hollywood” 3.30pm WAAF.
Tonight I’m off to the recording studio to pick up a new track of my War Time Sing along Medley. I first had this track made back in 1995 from my band parts and how technology has moved on from those early days of backing tracks. What was good back then just isn’t good enough now. Well not good enough for me anyway. When I think the amount of money I’ve spent on music and backing tracks over the years it’s frightening. I sometimes wonder if anyone really notices apart from me. Everything these days is all about being cheap and it does make me very sad that the quality seems to have gone out of events. Still onward and upwards as they say.
Tomorrow I’m in two minds to attend an auction as there is a Victorian dress I have my eye on and I can’t make up my mind weather to put a bid in or not. The wonderful thing is it does fit me but my only worry is if it would be too fragile to wear on stage. I have a Victorian bonnet which would look lovely with it so I have to think very carefully if this would be a good investment! Wants and Needs Miss Harrison!
Just to keep you up to speed with my web-site we hope to have my new FAQ page up very soon. Things got a bit delayed with my ill health but I know Rachel is working hard on it as I write. We will also be up loading my “Sound of Music” video on Monday so Keep Watching!
I shall sign off now as I need to get down to the recording studio.
Thanks for following and Toodle Pip!