Me with the Queen! |
This weekend has been really action packed with me bumping into the Queen on Saturday Night at Kate and Wills Royal Baby Celebration Show in Princess Risbough. OK I confess the Queen was a cardboard cut-out but it was rather nice to have HRH standing beside me on the stage never-the-less! So thank-you to Arthur Edwards for inviting me and I’m so pleased you all enjoyed the show. It’s amazing just how many baby songs one has in ones repertoire when you start to think about it.
Sunday morning I was off bright and early down to Ramsgate as I was booked to sing for “Thanet at War”. On this occasion I was thrilled to have some company as my friend Sundra Dudley joined me for the drive down. Sandra and I go back years and last weekend I had the pleasure of singing for Hare Fest which Sandra organised. So thank-you Sandra for joining me and for all your help. It’s great just having another pair of hands and I hope you enjoyed the event!
Sandra at The Walpole Bay Hotel, Cliftonville. |
Sandra and I at The Hungry Horse in Margate! |
This was Sandra’s first time to a 1940s event and once again they had lots of vintage vichels and stalls selling all sorts of treasures. I really enjoyed my bread pudding from the Naffi Waggon and afterwards Sandra and I headed off to Margate for dinner. We had hoped to dine at The Walpole Bay Holel at Cliftonville but sadly they were fully booked for dinner which was a real shame as it looks like my sort of place. The sort of hotel where you would expect Hinge and Bracket to go on holiday and take afternoon tea. It’s very me and I really must tell my friend Kim as we love to play at Hinge and Bracket! Do check out their web-site and one day I must return for afternoon tea.
In the end we were able to find something to eat in Margate at the Hungry Horse and by the end of the day and after 2 x 60 minute shows Sandra and I really were Hungry Horses. Great meals well cooked and presented so a place we would both recommend. Sandra had booked herself into a hotel in Margate and I was booked into a lovely B&B in Ramsgate called The Fairholme Guest House. If ever you find yourself down that way and need a place to stay do check out their web-site
Today I was back on the road again as I had a 1.30pm show in Harrow for the Middlesex New Synagogue. I left Ramsgate at 8am as I wasn’t too sure what the M25 was going to be like but I sailed through with-out any problems at all until it came to finding the Synagogue. Although the sat nave took me to the road it took me ages to find it but we got there in the end and my show went down really well. So all’s well that ends well!
Time for bed now so I shall sign off for tonight. More news to follow this week. Keep Watching and thanks for following Toodle Pip! 😉