Hello one and all – Sorry I’ve not blogged for the last few days but things have been prity busy here at Harrison HQ. I’ve been able to tie up some loose ends and sercured one or two lovely jobs for next year so it’s all go. I’m all packed and ready to head off to Brentford tomorrow. I’m booked to play at Kew Bridge Steam Museum’s 1940s weekend so I hope you can make it along.
I shall be performing 3 x 45 minute shows daily Sat 11.30am ATS 1.30pm Pearly Queen, 3.30pm Lindy Hop where I shall be joining forces with Swingland a Lindy Hop dance troup. Sunday 11.30am Wren, 1.30pm Evette the Spivette, 3.30pm WAAF so it’s full steam ahead!
For those of you who follow me on facebook you’ve pobably seen I’ve just joined Pintrest. For those of you who don’t know Pintrest is a social media site uesd greatly by people in the arts. It’s like a big pin board where people post photos and it is very poular with designers and performers such as myself. We shall be building in a link from my web-site very soon so do watch this space and I shall tell you more as and when we get it up and running. In the meantime you can find me on pintrest and I have a couple of boards you can look at Victorian / Music Hall costumes, Evette the Spivette, 1940s costumes, 1950s and 60s costumes and costumes genraly so if you get the chance do take a look. I’m still learning how to use it – and I confess I never really got to grips with twitter. I never found it visal enough so I hope you will follow me on Pintrest and ofcourse on Facebook too.
Talking about costumes I have another couple of photo shoots set up for next week which I want to get done before the weather breaks. I shall be doing a sweater girl shoot this Thursday and then an 18th centry one on Friday. So lots of wondering around grave yards looking Marie Antonettish (sorry can’t spell)
All being well I should be back blogging come Monday, Thanks for dropping in Do Keep Watching and Bye for Now!