Apart from the usual run of shows this week I’ve been spending much of my time re-writing my 1940s page for my web-site. I thought it was time for a bit of a re-fresh and with the new mobile addition I felt I should have a bit of a re-think and try and prioritise the information. To be honest I have been struggling a bit. It takes me ages to write the simplest of things and I often end up writing far too much with all the words in the wrong order. However despite my mess and muddle I always get there in the end. For the moment, I have had to put it to one side but I’m determined to finish it off tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow my electrician chap is coming round to PATs test all my equipment – so yes it’s that time again. How quickly this year has flown by and it wont be long before I’m back out in France singing for D-Day. In fact I’m pleased to announce I will be in Arromanches on the 6th June singing though the day in the Veteran’s Marquee. I’m also booked to sing the French and British Anthems during the service and I’ve been asked to take part in the parade at 5.30/6pm. I’m also performing in Ste Marie du Mont on the 7th June my GI Jive American WAC show. I will be on stage at 4pm performing outside the church so I’m busy putting together a very special American/French show for there.
In fact 2014 is going to be a very good year for me with the centenary and my WW1 show “Pack Up Your Troubles” is selling well not to mention the D-Day commemorations in France.
Do look out for me in the Best of British magazine next month. You can pick it up in WH Smiths next Thursday and April’s issue lists all the 1940s events for the year. I’ve also written an article on WW2 women’s uniforms so I hope readers will find it of interest with it being such an important year.
Well must dash – I want to have another look at that page before bed.
Keep Watching – Thanks for following and Toodle Pip!