Between Shows with Poppy in Southsea!
Hello every-one – I’m sorry I wasn’t able to do more than one blog last week but as I’m sure you already know I’ve been away performing down on the South coast which this time took me to Hayling Island and Southsea. These jobs all came in as part of my “We’ll Meet Again” Chichester tour and last night I drove up from Chichester to Morton-in-the-Marsh in the Cotswolds to perform for the WI. It was a very special occasion for Morton as this year is the WIs centenary and the group had engaged me especially. I’ve already performed at quite a few WI centenary events this year although I’ve been trying to get in touch with West Horndon & Balphan WI for the 16th September. For some reason the lady who e-mailed me Marjorie Ramsey, all her e-mails keep bouncing back and I have no phone number. Is there any-one out there from the WI who might be able to get in touch with her as I would be delighted to perform for West Horndon on the 16th Sept if only we could connect and speak to each other.

Off to Morton-in-the-Marsh!
Most WIs have engaged me to perform my WW1 show “Pack Up Your Troubles” although last night Morton in the Marsh asked me to perform A 100 Years of Music which I enjoyed doing very much. The 20th century is packed full of fabulous tunes although I think I might have run over a little in time which is hardly surprising as I was having something of a ball singing all my favourites! Thank-you to Jo Brooks and all the WI ladies who made me feel so welcome and like the songs says I really do hope “We’ll Meet Again”.
Today has been a quick turn around day as I’ve been booked to entertain at a private party in Berkhamsted tomorrow and then I have another private birthday party on Sunday so it’s a very busy time. I still have my show plans to do for France and I’m looking forward to singing “Sous les Ponts de Paris”, “Under the Bridges of Paris”which I picked up from the recording studio on Sunday. I’ve been working very hard on my French between shows and I’ve lots of decisions to make about my out-fits. I have to plan all the dress combinations just in case of bad weather which requires a great deal of thought even though it means me taking far more than I really need. I know from experience the weather in Normandy can be very changeable so I’d rather be safe than sorry!
I’m pleased to announce Rachel has just up loaded my new French 1940s D-Day Show page to my web-site. So if you are reading this blog on Facebook please do click across and take a look www.fionaharrison.biz/french-1940s-dday-shows/ At the moment the page is writain up in English although the idea is for it to be in French so as to make things easier for French customers to book. For now we are having to use a French Google translation which I know isn’t perfect but I can assure you a good French translation is on its way – fingers crossed! We still have a few tweaks to do but I’m very pleased with the page especially the sounds samples which means clients can hear me sing in French.
I’m off down to Portsmouth on 1st of June and sail across to Cherbourg at 9am on the 2nd. Don’t forget you can catch me on stage on the 6th June performing in the centre of town out-side the church in Ste Marie du Mont at 14.30h and at 21.00h. Both shows are free and open to the public – so if you are around it will be lovely to see you. I wont be back home until Wednesday 10th June by which time I hope to have lots of lovely photos to share with you.
Gosh I’ve just seen the time and I really must get to bed. Thank-you for following and I look forward to catching up with you all when I return!
Keep Watching and Toodle Pip!