Getting Ready for Odyssey!

Paul and I Off to Odyssey!
I’m afraid I will only have time to do one blog this week as I want to set some time aside to rest a little so I will be full of beans for the Odyssey show this bank holiday weekend. I also want to plan my Autumn season which this year will be taking me to Milan and I must brush up on my Italian and re look at some of my arias. I have much to do these next three months and I want everything to be spit spot. This Wednesday I have an appointment with a singing teacher who I hope will be able to help me with Italian Opera and refine my vibrato which I think has got a little wayward of late. It’s taken me a while to find the right teacher so I’m looking forward to my first lesson very much. I’m out singing most days and over time I’m afraid the corners do get knock off rather so it will be good to have a refresher and look at how we can improve things for the future.
I will also be back before the cameras again the end of September early October just before Milan. My next showreel will be songs from the 1940s and 50s so I’ve been thinking a great deal about music, costumes and

Trying on Frocks at Flamingo Frocks!
colours. On Saturday I popped over to Brackley and Flamingo Frocks after receiving a wonderful tip-off from my friend Kim that Flamingo Frocks might be the place to go for those 50s inspired fashions. I have to say I found two wonderful dresses which ticked a couple of my boxes quite splendidly so now I think I have all my colours and gowns sorted for filming. I also found a beautiful kingfisher blue dress with black pussy cats all over it which will be perfect for my Halloween shows. If you get the chance do take a look at Flamingo Frocks and meet Wendy the shop owner who is so kind and helpful. They also do mail order too so check out the web-site at http://www.flamingofrocks.co.uk
I had a very fruitful meeting with Rachel today and I gave her my new showreels so I hope by Tuesday you will be able to see three new films. The first, “Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend” then my new 1920s and 30s showreel and “Mr Sandman”. We also hope to have up and running

Me with Wendy of Flamingo Frocks!
by the end of this week my new 1950s and 60s page which is all very exciting. This one will have my 1950s and 60s showreel embedded in and if you caught my last blog you will know I shall be adding in more videos over time, including “Johnny Be Goode” and “You Don’t have to Say You Love Me”. I’m also up dating a few of my pages with new photographs as it’s important to keep things fresh.
I’m pleased so many of you have been enjoying “Video of the Week” I’ve been running on Facebook. Over the next three weeks I will be sharing my new videos with you

On Set for Diamonds with Film Maker David!

In the Studio with Sue Jones at L&D Radio!
but if you can’t wait until then just click onto the follow Fiona tab on the right hand side of this screen. It will zip out and click the You Tube icon. From there you will be able to find my latest videos which as the latest up loaded ones are the first to be seen.
I should like to thank Sue Jones for inviting me onto her radio program last Friday at L&D Radio. It was lovely to be invited Sue and didn’t we have a ball! I think Alan would have been proud so here’s to the next time!
In the meantime don’t forget you will be able to catch me on stage this Saturday and Sunday at The Military Odyssey Show, The Kent Showground, Detling, Nr Maidstone, Kent, ME14 3JF. I have been engaged by the 514th who re-enact the American Army of WW2 to perform 2 x 45 minute shows daily at 11.30am and at 1.30pm. Paul will be performing too and we have four great American shows planed for both days so I hope you can all make it along. The Odyssey show covers all sorts of historical periods from Romans to 18th century Pirates to WW2, Vietnam and beyond which makes it a very interesting show. I’m also hoping to do a bit of shopping while I’m there as they have lots of interesting stalls selling everything from Civil War armour to vintage fabrics. So can’t wait. This weekend I will be stepping out as a WW2 US WAC and WAVES with a touch of Hollywood thrown in so see you there. http://www.military-odyssey.com
That’s all my news for now so Keep Watching and Toodle Pip!