Me at Shakespeare’s House |
Hello every-one I’m just back from having a few days holiday in Statford-Upon-Avon. I’ve been out and about playing the tourist after attending the Militaria show at Stoneleigh on Sunday. I had quite a few things on my shopping list including a large US flag which I need for when I play Normandy this June plus a few new 1940s outfits which I was able to get at Dress Circle. It’s a great place to find out what the buzz is for the year on the 40s scene and to catch up with friends.
I’ve been staying the last few days at The Falcon Hotel in Stratford which I know from having played there a few years ago. For those of you who follow my blogs- you will know I was last in Stratford the end of December when I was out shopping for bargains. This time I came back to see the sights and one of my first ports of call was Shakespeare’s House.
Tour guide Katie Neville! |
So often when I’m working I don’t get the time to see the sights and I really enjoyed Shakespeare’s house and chatting to tour guide Katie Neville. One thing I didn’t know was Shakespeare’s father was a Glover which is why there are so many references to gloves in his plays. I also found the linen wall paper very interesting which was nailed to the beams and then painted in situe. The colours and designs are both bold and beautiful and one design they had on display is a copy of a hanging which can still be found in Oxford for all to see in Pizza Express. I must make a point to visit!
Linen Wallpaper copied from Oxford’s Pizza Express! |
While I was there Katie asked me to do a video record for the Shakespeare Birth place trust web-site. I don’t know if it is up yet as I haven’t checked but here is a link and for all you clever computer people out there keep watching! www.livingshakespeare.com
Ofcoruse when it comes to getting your photo taken in Stratford there’s no shortages of Chinese tourists who will oblige. As most of you know I wear 1940s clothes nearly all the time and one Chinese tour guide thought I was part of the Shakespeare museum. The fact my clothes were from a completely different century didn’t seem to register and then he asked me if I could take his group of 30 and did I speak Chinese. To which I said “No but I can sing in Japanese if that helps any”? It didn’t but then they all went on to flash me with every possible camera going!
Shakespeare’s Church! |
The Fourteas Tea Room! |
Just up the road and the other side of the RSC Theatre is Shakespeare’s Church. The full title being The Collegiate Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity. A bit of a mouthful so I can see why most people just call it Shakespeare’s Church. It has a beautiful organ and some lovely carvings and up by the high autar is Shakespeare’s grave. So I’m really pleased I had the chance to visit. Once I’ve written this blog I shall put up some more of my photos on my face book page so do follow the link http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fiona-Harrison-A-Voice-in-a-Million/143965822288531
Another great find was discovering “The Fourteas Tea Room” by chance. A wonderful place to have lunch or even high tea as everything is off ration. The attention to detail is suburb and so to was the service. I enjoyed a salmon and cucumber sandwich, an Earl Grey tea and a slice of carrot cake – Yummy! So if you ever find your-self in Stratford – Upon- Avon I recommend you visit. The Fourteas tea room is in Sheep Street and here is a link to their web-site.
Well time is ticking on and now I’m back home I’ve loads of paper work and e-mails to catch up on. Oh before I forget thank-you Guy Grasby for your WW1 links. You wont believe this but while I was in Stratford I picked up the perfect skirt for WW1 in Laura Ashley of all places. It has inserts in the back seams which gives me the freedom of movement with-out having to go into a War Crinoline and comprise on style.
Time for bed now I think. Thank-you for following and Toodle Pip!