Last night I was invited to a fortune telling party and what an intresting night it was too. I’ve not had my fortune told in years so I was a bit tentative as I seem to have had so much bad luck of late. I always like to take these things with a pinch of salt but if what she told me is true I’m looking foward to a great future – so here’s to that! One thing the psychic lady picked up on really quickly was that I was an entertainer and I will be heading out to America with a six month contract. It may well invole circus so could I be heading to Los Vagus I wonder? It’s funny but I was told that years ago and it never came to pass so it looks like it’s still in my future and perhaps I shouldn’t dismiss the chance of playing in American quite yet. I also wondered if the messages from these psychics get a little muddled as she told me I would have two cats and well that’s sort of happend. She said we would have a stray black and white cat who would be about 4 when he comes to live with us and well that sounds alot like Domino who died very recently. Howerver she seemed to think it was to happen and not in the past but I’m not too sure what Tigger would make of another cat moving in I don’t think he would like that!
She also said my father was watching over me and walked through the door with me as I came into the room. I’m not sure if my father would do that as in life he dismissed all this sort of thing as nonsence and hated to be proved wrong. I have a feeling as a spirt he wouldn’t show himself on princible just so he could say he was right!
It was a good night and thank-you Sue for inviting me I really enjoyed your Chilly Concarne Yummy!
This morning I was out note bashing my way through new songs with my pianist friend Ross as I have lots to learn. I also did a tea party this after noon which was quite charming as the room had been turned into an English garden with lots of flowers. Mind you I hope nobody noticed – but I had a bit of an issue with a giant pansy catching my speaker on it’s petal! Ops!
My 1940s shoes in need of repair! |
This weekend I have decided to take some time out and I have made arrangements to go down to Chichester. I want to vist the cathedral again and I need to visit Russel and Bromley the shoe shop. I have a pair of shoes I bought from them in 1999 and they have now developed a squeak. I belive they do a good after care service and a pair of Russel and Bromley shoes should last a life time. I also have a navy pair from the 1940s with a brocken lace hole and who knows maybe they can repair those too! I don’t know if there is a cut off date with after care but I hope not. I shall let you know how I get on!
We’ll that’s all my news for now thank-you for following and fingers crossed I can get my shes repaired.
Toodle Pip and Bye for now!