Filming So in Love!

On Set with Hair Hitlar Kim!

On Stage with David!
If you caught my last post on Facebook you will know I’ve been filming again today in Aylesbury at The Limelight Theatre. It’s been another full day and I think we will have some great footage which I look forward to sharing with you all later this year. On Friday we filmed songs from the 1950s and today we captured tunes from the 1940s. I will have to go back and do my 1940s uniform shots early next year but slowly but surely I’m recording my songs to camera which will make it easier for future clients to see at a glance what I can do.
I can’t remember the last time I was asked along to an audition and sang with a pianist. Certainly when it comes to the vintage market all the castings are now done through web-sites and Youtube. This is probably because the people who cast events don’t come from theatrical backgrounds and the thought of having someone sing for them live comes across as rather daunting. I guess most people enjoy the convenance of seeing footage at the click of a mouse. My goal is to have one show reel which shows the whole spectrum of my repertoire from Opera to Rock and Roll. So I’ve been working hard this year with film maker David Pustansky to capture my songs. I still have the Opera and Music Hall numbers to film but we are steadily getting there and I know it will be so worth it in the end.
I was very lucky to have my friend Kim on hand with me this weekend who not only did sound but also styled my hair for the 40s shoot today. I’m next back in the theatre in January so I’ve much to plan for. I’ve already chosen the fabrics as I would like to give some of my Music Hall costumes a re-vamp. The only thing

Back Stage at the Limelight Theatre!
that worries me is the lack of interest in Music Hall these days. The general public don’t have much of an interest in this style of music and I’m really the last generation who remembers the TV show The Good Old Days. I was really surprised when I ask the question to a number of different audiences if they could remember the name of the theme tune which was played at the end of The Good Old Days show every week. None could remember it was “Down at the Old Bull and Bush” which really surprised me. A few months ago I did a Music Hall quiz and once again I found that the general public know nothing about Music Hall which is a shame when these songs are our heritage. Perhaps the vintage future lies in the music of the 1950s and 60s. I have to say my Swinging 50s and 60s show is now my best seller!

See You In Italy!
I expect I will only have time to write one blog this week. For those of you who follow me will know I fly out to Milan on Saturday to sing at Italy’s Liberation commemorations which this year will be taking place in the town of Graffignana. I’ve been busy learning the Italian National Anthem in preparation and now I’ve finished filming its full steam ahead for Italy. I have a Saturday night show to perform in the town hall and I’ve been invited to sing Ave Maria in church on Sunday before performing the music of the 1940s for my big show on Sunday afternoon. With so much to prepare I shall leave it here tonight.
Keep Watching and Toodle Pip!