Happy New Year one and all. I’m so sorry I’ve not blogged for a few days but I’ve been on the road since the 30th with the run up to new year and all – and I’ve only just this minute walked through the door. I can’t belive how much Tigger has grown in the last few days he is becoming a real Tom cat. The birds wont stand a chance come the Spring!
Well it’s been a fantastic couple of days. My first port of call was Middlewich as I was invited to perform at The Manor with my Christmas /New Year Show. What a wonderful welcome I recived and a big thankyou to Carol who invited me into her home and offered me such supurb hospitality. I hope very much to have the pleasure of entertaining for you all again in the future and I hope your show went well too Carol!
This New Year I was performing up at Carnforth Station which every film buff will know was the station used in the film Brief Encounter. This year I was booked to do my “Evette the Spivette” show and for the second half I came back as “Burlesque Evette” which went down really well. For New Year I made a few changes which has given me some fresh idears for the show. Evette has huge petental so watch this space! What was lovely to hear was just how well my show went down with the audence. One couple said they really enjoyed last year but enjoyed Evette the Spivette even more this year! Which is really encouraging! Ofcourse it’s wonderful when The Orient Express pulls in and we all get to sing “Auld Lang Syne” with the Scotish pipper under the famous clock! How perfect is that. The only disapointing thing was Andrew not being there due to his “Man Flue” Get well soon Andrew – Helen and all the staff at the Refreshment Rooms really did you proud!
On the 1st I made my way over to North Wales and Conwy. I had an apointment to see Hefin a film maker I had had the pleasure of working with back in August when I was performing at the “Wales at War” event. This was the first opertunity I had had to sit down with Hefin to edit it and I’m pleased with what we’ve been able to put together. I shall be up loading the video to You Tube in the next week or so. You will be able to see clips of me performing my WAAF and “Hooray for Hollywood” shows and also as Evette the Spivette – she is proving to be quite the hit! I’m not sure if it’s me or the shoes – all the ladies love my Evette shoes!
The only down side about being on the road on new years day is finding somewhere to eat. Tesco were shut but I managed to get the last sandwich from their petrol station but come the evening the only place I could find in Conwy was a Pizza Kabab take away and Yes I was despret! That’s the thing about being a diabetic you have to eat and when it came to it I hated every mouthful. Thank-goodness for breakfast. I stayed at the Glan Heulog Guest House who looked after me very well. Although when I saw how steep their drive was I do confess it did frightened me a little. But I just droped Connie into first gear put my foot down and thought “He who Dears Wins”!
Tomorrow I’m back in the recording studio picking up my new track of “Hands Knees and Boomps a Daisy” so an early start.
Thanks for following and do Keep Watching. I shall let you know when we get the”Wales at War” show reel up. Toodle Pip and Bye for Now!