Let’s Do It – Lets Fall in Love!
May I start my blog tonight by wishing you all a very happy new year and thank-you all for your wonderful Christmas cards, presents and new year good wishes. The final count is in, and despite the challenging times I successfully completed two hundred and nine shows last year and forty one out of the fifty shows I originally had booked in for the month of December. I was literally holding my breath from day to day during December hoping I wasn’t going to get a last minute call telling me another venue has had to close it’s doors due to Covid-19. However despite loosing nine shows I don’t think I have done too badly and I’m now looking forward to a fantastic 2022.

The Great Hall at Danny House!
I spent Christmas and the new year touring along the south coast which included the lovely Danny House. I only got back on Tuesday evening after first popping into the recording studio on my way home from Portsmouth. I’m always planning ahead and last year I asked Richard to produce a new musical arrangement of the classic Rodgers and Hart number “My Funny Valentine”. I’ve always felt this song has been conspicuous by it’s absence from my Valentine show and although there are many commercially produced arrangements of this number one can easily purchase, I wanted something unique.

Recording My Rehearsal Vocals to My Funny Valentine!
Once again Richard has come up trumps with an amazing arrangement which is very film Noir. I can’t wait to sing this song for Valentines Day. I’m fully booked Valentines week and I’m also busy the week before for the Queens Accession. I’ve learn’t from experience not to count my chickens before they hatch as anything could happen between now and then. A few of my customers have already rescheduled their show from January to other months and I’m keeping everything crossed for a bumper year. The last thing any of us want to see is another lock down.
Today I’ve been working with Peter on editing my

Shopping for Vintage at The One Legged Jockey!
new Cole Porter show-reel “Let’s Do It – lets fall in love”. I’ve always loved this number and once again I’m performing to another wonderful Richard Whennell arrangement. On this occasion we have been able to work in a few of Angela Adams gorgeous photos and I hope to release this video the end of the month in time for Valentines day.
Other events I have coming up include Burns night. One of my jobs is to expand my Scottish repertoire and learn a few new numbers for the 25th. Fortunately on this occasion the client is keen to have mostly songs from the musicals with a slight Scottish twist which gives me some leeway. However there is a market for a Scottish show and this is something I need to seriously look into developing further.
Getting the Scottish look right is easy as it usually requires a white dress with a tartan sash worn over the left shoulder for an unmarried woman. However for my show on the 25th

Out Walking with Poppy in Southsea!
January I needed something slightly Scottish but not too Scottish which wouldn’t look out of place when I’m singing songs from the shows. Fortunately I was able to pick up just the thing when I was shopping with Paul and Poppy in Southsea at the vintage fashion shop The One Legged Jockey. I managed to find a traditional green Scottish jacket and the following day when I was in Gosport at Voluptuous Vintage a full 1950s style tartan skirt. Perfect!
I shall leave my blog here tonight as time is creeping on and I must get to bed. here are a few shots of my time away.
Keep Following, Toodle Pip and bye for now! 😉