All Set To Go On Stage at RAF Marham!

Setting the Stage!

The Princess Louise Room!

The Breakfast Room!

Paul at The Abbey!

Outside The Abbey Our Beautiful B&B!
This week I have been out and about over to Norfolk performing at RAF Marham for a Hanger Dance Party which was part of a RAF Family fun day. Paul was able to join me as my sound engineer and delighted audiences with his singing too. For this job I used my full rig of 6 speakers. Large metal hangers are never easy to sound so its important to rig wide and to cut off all the effects. It can be a little like singing in a tin can as hangers have a natural reberation so you have to cut the effects and sing dry which balances with the venue. I was engaged to perform 2 x 45 minute 1940s sets, one sing along as a WAAF Officer and the other in 40s glamour featuring all those wonderful swing tunes for dancers. The event took place on Thursday evening which was attended by over 600 people and boy did we get the joint jumping. Paul was a real hit with the audience and what a fabulous venue the hanger turned out to be. The stage was set with a back drop of two air craft and was decked out in flags so thank-you to every-one at RAF Marham and the events team who made this evening such a fantastic success.
RAF Marham isn’t far from Kings Lynn and on this occasion I was able to find a beautiful B&B localy in the village of Stowbridge called The Abbey. I found The Abbey on-line and I discovered it was once a Nunary back in the day. Founded by the Augustinian order of Nuns in 1181 on the site of St John the Evangelist and remained in location until the dissolution of the monasteries in 1536. Sadly on I wasn’t able to meet the owners Niall and Grania on this occasion as they were away in Rome but Ginny their house keeper made us feel very welcome and welcomed us with a pot of Earl Grey tea and home-made scones on our arrival. I booked the Princess Louise Room as I was partially taken with the decor and bath – so very me!
If you are looking for somewhere lovely to stay nere Kings Lynn I would throughly recommend the Abbey so do check out their web-site at www.theabbeybandb.co.uk
Today I have been performing for a Summer Fate in Watford my “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree” Show and yes belive it or not I did just that – sing under an Apple Tree which couldn’t have been more perfect. In fact todays show couldn’t have gone better as we had delightful weather and I know the fate was a great success for every-one who was involved. Next week I’m fully booked with shows and I head off to the Isle of Wight steam railway on Friday for the Victorian event which is taking place at Havenstreet. I’m looking forward to wearing my bustle and then no sooner do I return and I’m back over to Norfolk for a photo shoot at the Control Tower.
www.controltowerstays.com So Busy Busy
That’s about all my news for now other than I’m working on my new on-line magazine which will tie in with my new media page – so watch this space and I shall keep you posted.
Keep Watching and Toodle Pip!