All the Fun of the Fair!
Happy New Year every-one and thank-you one and all for your many Christmas cards and kind seasonal wishes. I’m sorry to say I’ve not been able to send as many Christmas cards this time around due to my heavy work load but I do feel very proud I was able to perform 50 shows this December. It should have been 53 but occasionally people can fall ill and sometimes it’s better to reschedule than work in a room with coughs and sneezes.
I had a count up this morning and I can’t quite believe it but through 2022 I performed a staggering 295 shows. Thank-you every-one for

Coffee at Milestones Museum!
your support and many bookings, it’s been a pleasure to sing and perform for you all and I’m looking forward to a fantastic 2023. For the moment it probably wont come as any surprise to learn I’m now looking forward to having a bit of a rest. However saying that I still have a couple of new year shows to perform and plenty to do in the office in the meantime.
If you have been following me on Facebook you will know the last four months haven’t gone smoothly. My van broke down the end of October and I had to wait over a month for the vital part

Twixmas at Milestones!
from Europe, before the garage were able to fit it. Plus our boiler gave up the ghost in November and we have been managing with-out central heating for weeks. Fortunately we were able to get the new boiler fitted on the 15th December, so my mother and brother had heating for Christmas.
December is always a busy month for me and from the 24th December I was away on tour working along the south coast. When I came back on the on the 1st January I noticed water pouring down through my wardrobe. A nut on the water tank in the loft hadn’t been secured properly so I spent the start of the new year mopping up and saving dresses from water damage.
It was lucky I came home when I did otherwise the ceiling might have collapsed and fortunately I keep all my evening shoes wrapped up in boxes. Although many of my shoe boxes were ruined my shoes weren’t. So you could say I had a lucky escape and it could have been a lot worst.

Tempting Delights!
Normally when I’m away I like to take lots of photos for social media although on this occasion I’ve hardly taken any at all. I’ve been in font of the camera a great deal this last year and with me being so busy I’ve been concentrating on performing rather than taking photographs. It can get a bit much sometimes but it was lovely to spend a quite Christmas with Paul and Poppy. It had been our intention to visit Milestones Museum together on the 27th which was my one day off. Sadly Paul ate something which didn’t agree with him and he wasn’t able to join me. It was such a shame as it’s a lovely museum and I’m looking forward very much to performing there later this year, the end of May. More news on that event to follow soon so keep watching this space.
In the meantime I have an event coming up on the 22nd January 23 called “Tempting Delights”. I’m booked to perform at Taz Coffee House, 58 Earlsdon Street, Earlsdon, Coventry, CV5 6EJ from 11am – 4pm. I shall be singing 20 minutes on 20 minutes

Happy New Year Every-one!
off all through the day songs from the 1920s, 30s, 40s & 50s, so I hope you can all make it along. The Coffee House sever a wonderful array of wraps, cakes teas and coffees and on this occasion for the set price of £14.99. To book telephone 024 7674 4963 Whats App 07444 809006.
I’m also please to announce my latest Best of British article about the 1930s musical “Me and My Girl” is now available to read on my web-site by clicking the link below. You can also find all my other articles there too which cove a variety of music and fashion related topics connected to the 1940s scene.
I shall leave you with a few of my photos from Milestones Museum. Keep Following Toodle Pip and Bye for Now!