Today I have been in meetings all day looking into the world of marketing and branding and what a wonderful world it is too. It’s amazing what can be done and the array of products which can be branded with your business name and logo. I’m very keen to expand my product range which at the moment only includes CDs. However I have lots of ideas for the future and it’s all about talking to the right people. It’s going to be one of my projects for 2014 and I’m very excited about the whole concept of merchandising. In fact I have a feeling March is going to be a very productive month for me as I explore lots of new avenues.
Talking about 2014 I was with Rachel today checking on the progress of my web-site as it goes mobile. There is so much to it and it’s really starting to take shape although there is still alot of tweaking to do as I’m such a stickler. Trying to get the words to marry up with the pictures as it changes shape is quite a job but we are getting there. It’s a bit like watching a show come together – that’s if you have ever been involved in one! First you read through the script and learn the songs, block out the movement and then learn all the dance routines. At the moment we’re at the stage where every-one knows what they should be doing but we have the odd one or two who are still forgetting their words and stepping off on the wrong foot, however the director is confident and everything is on track for opening night! My opening night will be mid March so I’m looking forward to seeing my web-site enter the modern age and being fully operational as a mobile web-site! Once we get the technology in place it will make the up dating and the adding of new pages so much easier.
Tomorrow I hope to be back in the gym nice and early and then back at my desk in the afternoon catching up on the endless paper work. I have shows Wednesday and Thursday and then I’m booked to go on Alan Pagram’s radio show at L&D Radio on Friday so much to do. Wednesdays show is a reshuffle after Connie’s brake down on the 12th but since I had her diagnostics sorted all seems to be well and we’ve been trucking along splendidly ever since!
That’s all my news for now -Thanks for following and Toodle Pip!