Hello every-one it’s been a busy week and this is the first time I’ve been able to sit at my desk and catch up with you all. I’ve been training a new sound engineer all this week which has been pretty full on as there is much to learn and I’m quite the task master! There is alot to know about getting sound right as it isn’t easy particularly when it comes to mixing sound for a soprano. I cover a large range of music from Opera to Rock and Roll so my engineer has to be able to mix. So often people who think they can engineer sound just sit and press play but there is much more to it than that – it’s an art which has to be learnt. I’m very lucky I have a good group of people around me I can now call upon when I need a sound engineer but like anything it take a while to find them and train them up!
Despite being on the road much of this week I’ve sold some great dates for the year with the WW1 Centenary. August is going to be an exciting month and I’m thrilled to announce I shall be returning to Bonnie Scotland on the 16th August for their WW1 Commemorations due to take place at Falkirk Town Hall. I know Falkirk and the Town Hall very well as I’ve played there before. The town hall is a lovely theatre and it was part of the Scottish theatre tours I did back in the early 00s when I toured in my theatre shows “We’ll Meet Again”, “Down Paradise Row” and “How Hovis Won the War”- happy times! I’m looking forward to returning very much so can’t wait!
In fact this year I’m going to be doing more Victorian, WW1 shows and events than 1940s. I hate to say it but the bubble has rather burst on 40s events and we all seem to be getting a little frustrated with the scene. Thank-you every-one for your e-mails asking me where I will be this year. I’ve sold 165 dates so far but I’m finding myself doing more and more private functions and less public events. However I will be at Bushy and “The 40s Family Experience Weekend” 5th 6th April, Ste Marie Du Mont, Normandy, France 6th June, Birmingham Armed Forces Day, Chamberlain Square, 28th June and “Salute to the 40s” The Historic Dockyard, Chatham 20th 21st Sept.
Last night I had a fitting for my bustle which I shall be wearing in the Isle of Wight for their Victorian Weekend on the 2nd 3rd August. I shall be performing 3 shows daily at the Havenstreet Railway before dashing back for a run of WW1 shows. You will be able to catch me on 10th August at Shuttleworth, Old Warden Park, Beds for their WW1 day too.
In the meantime don’t forget I shall be singing for Oxjam on the 4th March at All Saints Church, Leighton Buzzard from 11am – 3pm for donations. All the money goes to Oxfam so I hope you can make it along. It’s free to enter and I shall be singing in the coffee shop 20 mins on and 20 mins off all through the day. So do pop in and you can enjoy a cup of coffee and the home made cakes while I sing. Last time I made £90.07 so I want to try and beat my target.
Well I shall end my blog here as I have a Pearly Queen show to do tonight for a Birthday Party and I need to get dressed. Thanks for following and Toodle Pip!