Out and about in My Burlington Bertie Togs!
Hello every-one I’m back after another full week of shows which concluded with Sundays show at Shuttleworth Air Museum. I had been engaged to perform for the museums Edwardian Pageant which involved me singing for 2 x 45 minute sets in-between the flying displays. The museum has quite a collection which features not only aircraft but many vintage vehicles spanning the years. What’s lovely about the Shuttleworth collection is that it is a working collection and most of the vehicles can still be driven along with the aircraft which are still flown today when they have special open day events.
For me Sunday started early as I needed to be on sight and unloading at 8am. Paul wasn’t able to join me this weekend so I needed to allow myself enough time to unload and change before my first set. My first show was at 9.30am which is much earlier than normal but made perfect sense as many of these aircraft enthusiasts like to arrive early. Flying didn’t start until 2pm so my job was to entertain the crowds in

Between Edwardian Sets at Shuttleworth!
Hanger 3 as numbers started to swell. I think one gentleman told me that the museum had sold 3500 tickets in advance sales and as Sundays weather was perfect it wouldn’t have surprised me if many more tickets were sold on the day.
I had been booked to to perform at 9.30am and at 1pm which gave me plenty of time to enjoy the event between sets. It’s quite unusual for me to have any down time when I’m working. Turn around can be tight and I often find myself having to dash off to get changed ready for my next sets. So Sundays show was a bit of a treat. On this occasion I was able to do all the things I never get

Meeting up with The Suffragettes!
the chance to do which on Sunday involved me taking a ride on the vintage buses and viewing the collection which was just delightful. I also had much more time to chat with the visitors which was just lovely.
I shall be returning to Shuttleworth next month on the 3rd September for the museums Heritage Day where I shall be singing songs form the 1920s, 30s, 40, 50s and 60s over 3 x 30 minute sets. So I hope you can all make it along.
This weekend you will be able to catch me in Newark performing the full 1940s Monty for the

Finished for the Day and Enjoying the Show!
Newark Air Museum’s 1940s event. I say the full monty as I’m down to perform 3 x 45 minute shows daily plus 2 x 45 minute sets on the Saturday evening. This will include Saturday 11.30am ATS, 1.30pm US WAVES, 3.30pm WAAF, Saturday night dance with BBQ at 7pm – 7.45pm & 8.15pm – 9pm. On Sunday I will be on stage for the same times again, 11.30am Wrens, 1.30pm Hooray for Hollywood and at 3.30pm I will be concluding with my US WAC Show “GI Jive”. Paul will be singing too so I hope you can all make it along.
That’s all my news for now but don’t forget you

All Aboard!
can see all my photos from the weekend on my Facebook pages. I still have a few more to post up which a few people have very kindly e-mailed to me. Next week I will be continuing to sing the music of the 40s as I head off to The Isle of Man but more on that in my next blog.
Keep Watching and Toodle Pip!