Hello one and all and welcome to my news page. Here you can see me as my two alter egos the ever efficient secretary Prudie Jones, Evette the Spivette and plain old little me as you catch up with all that is current in my world. Regrettably unlike Prudie my spelling is quite frightful at the best of times due to my dyslexia so I shall apologise now for anything which might be shamefully mis-spelt. In the mean time I hope you find this page fun, entertaining and informative and become a regular visitor to my site.

Kind Regards

A Voice in a Million

Going 1920s and 30s!

Just a quick blog to say I’ve been all 1920s and 30s today. Out of all the shows I do I have to say my “Putting on the Ritz” show is my favourite. I never tire of Cole Porter, Gershwin and Berlin and needless to say my audience thouraly enjoyed my show too – but then how can you not with two great deccades full of wonderful music!
However in my dash to get to the show I forgot to put on my beads and I do like to rattle them when I’m singing Baby Face and the like. I don’t think any one noticed apart from me and at least I didn’t forget anything eles. I have learn’t over time to dich the garters as they have a habbit of falling down when I’m tring to Charlston. As a costume artist I always try to get everything right but sometimes one has to compromise otherwise I could end up tripping over and breaking my neck which I nealy did at a ball not all that long ago!
Tomorrow it’s “Hooray for Hollywood” so another fab show full of great music so I’m looking forward to doing that one!
Toodle Pip and do Keep Watching!