Paul and I in Ste Marie du Mont

Me with the Normandy Veterans

Sight Seeing at Pointe du Hoc
Hello every-one I’m just back from Normandy after a very busy week of singing for the D-Day commemerations. I only got home this evening and I’ve already hit the ground running. I’ve shows all this week and on the way home I met up with Rachel my web-designer as she needed to teach me the new way of posting my blogs, now my web-site has gone mobile. I found I had over 130 e-mails to go through so please do bear with me and I shall answer you all as quickly as I can. Now we have up dated the teqnolagee behind my web-site it will make up dates so much easier even though I haven’t found the spell check on this blog page yet. My spelling may be a little dodgy but weather it be bad or good I think you will get my geist. I have lots of planns so do keep watching and I shall up date you as and when!
In the mean time what of France I can hear you all say? Well it has been prity non stop! Paul and I sailed out on the 3rd from Portsmouth to Cherbourg and as we had a group of Americain Normandy veterans on board I was aked to sing for them for Sky News. Being American they loved my “Yankee Doodle Dandy” more than my “We’ll Meet Again” so it’s important to understand your audience and to have a song for all nationalites. These last few months I have been working very hard on my French songs and I’m pleased to say all the hard work has paid off and I didn’t forget any of my words. I also sold alot of CDs and I’m so pleased every-one seems to be enjoying my new album “Liberty”. So thank-you every-one for your kind comments!
This week Paul and I have been staying in the village of Ste Marie du Mont which isn’t far from Ste Mare Eglise and Carentain. On Wednesday I was booked to sing at Manoir de la Fosse aux Loups nere Cartigny L’ Epinay. We were all set to play outside only the rain came down and we were forced to move indoors. Not that it spoiled the show any and after a good night of rain the sun came out and we have been enjoying fine weather ever since. Ofcourse the grate thing about working with Paul is he is not only a good sound engineer but a very good singer in his own right. This week we have been sharing the stage and he proved to be a real wow with the ladies at Manoir de la Fosse aux Loups. Keep Up the Good work Paul!
On Friday 6th June I was booked to sing in Arromanches between the two royal visits one in the morning and the other one in the late afternoon. I know Arromanches really well having performed there many times for the D-Day commemerations. On this ocastion I was booked to perform at 4pm and once we had got through all the security the rigging and singging was the easy part. Sadly unless you had a special pass and one of the veterans very few people were able to see me in Arromanches. However come Sunday and once all the VIPs and royalty had gone home everything reverted back to normal and Paul and I enjoyed a lovely day singing in Ste Marie du Mont just outside the church. I was booked to do one 60 minute show at 4pm but in the end my shows were proving so popular I ended up doing four.
Now I’m home I have so many e-mails to sort out along with shows every day this week. I have posted up a few of my photos onto my face book pages so do keep watching and I shall put up the rest later this week.
Time for bed – Toodle Pip and Bye Bye for Now