It’s been a busy weekend one way and another with Christmas Shows plus Hedna’s Vintage Night Club on Saturday night and today I’ve been working over in Aylesbury only to get back just in time to see The South Beds Concert Band play at Tilsworth Church. I’m going to be singing with the concert band next year in March so I start rehursals with them in the new year – something I’m looking forward to very much indeed!
They put together a wonderful program of Christmas tunes but one peice of music they played I found really moving was “Redemption” by Rossano Galante. It kind of sounded fimila and I’m sure it’s been used in a film but don’t ask me what! It was just wonderful to hear the swell of intraments and to listen to a peice of music which used all the individual voices of the band perfectly. It was beautiful I loved it! They also played “A Christmas Festival” which were popular Christmas tunes aranged by Leroy Anderson. I’ve always been a fan of Leroy Anderson’s music from when I was quite small. Durring my dancing days I was always chrographing dances to his music. Later I went on to chorograph quite a few shows on the Am Dram circit and even now I still like to do my own thing on the dance front. I guess it all stems from Leroy Anderson and Russan composers!
Saturday night I had the pleasure of listening to Luna Nightingale at Hedna’s. Luna has a wonderful vocal tone which I just adore and I look forward to following her carear with great intrest. My partner Mike really enjoyed Hedna’s as it was his first time and mine too really as I only made half a Hedna before. Last time I came on from doing a show in London so it was lovely to be there for the whole durration this time. Here’s to the next one!
Right Monday tomorrow and no more putting it off I really must knuckle down and get on with my Christmas cards. I feel so behind with everything this year although I did do my Christmas shopping back in October! Christmas cards always seem to be the thing that breaks the camels back – don’t you think?
Gosh just seen the time and I must get to bed. I’m singing in Beaconsfield tomorrow with 9 shows booked in for the week. Must dash thanks for following and Toodle Pip!