Today is Mothers Day and I’ve just come back from taking my mother out as she wanted to do some shopping in Milton Keynes. I had hoped to take her out for lunch but my mother hates crowds and in the end we both just had a sandwich in Marks and Spencer. It’s been ages since I was last in Milton Keynes shopping and to be honest I feel so out of place with the modern high street. Fashion today is just awful and how the shops get away with selling some of this stuff is beond me. My friend Kim and I were having a laugh the other day about the dreadful onesy – Siren suit in the 40s or Jump suit in the 70s. I saw some hanging up on a market stall the other day and quite frankly I’ve never seen anything quite so horrid along with the nasty ug boots. Yuc! When I buy modern clothes which is hardly ever I always look for good style, quality and fabrics that don’t crese. Although there are plenty of smart tea time and evening dressed available when it comes to every day wearable fashion the high street fails to please. Everything seems to droop and looks washed out. It’s about time someone brought some style back to the high street! Needless to say I didn’t buy a thing and my mother just came home with a wash and wear nightdress which looked a little on the winsette side to me although she kept on insisting it wasn’t!
Tonight I have rehursals with the South Beds Concert Band which will be our last one before the concert on the 13th March. So do come if you can. The concert is part of the Oxjam music festival taking place here in my home town of Leighton Buzzard – details can be found on their web-site so do check them out and click on the link www.oxjamleightonbuzzard.org.uk
Thanks for following and Toodle Pip for now!