Today I have been busy getting myself organised for my photos shoot on Friday, so if you had been hoping for a snap shot photo of me showing off my new tan then I’m afraid I’m going to be very disapointing. But it is true that today I went through the experance of being spay taned in prep for the shoot and if I’m honest I’ve never looked so brown. I’m the sort of girl who never goes brown. If I sit in the sun at all then I just go lobster pink and peal which is why I never do – so this is all very new to me. Brown Fiona, I’m as white as a sheet normally but as I’m doing some vintage swim suit shots it’s important I look right for the camera. I’ve got to keep this tan on over night and then shower off in the morning so at the moment I feel very scruffy wondering about in a track suit which isn’t like me at all. Although it has been a very liberating exsperance wondering about with-out ones bra The things I do for my art!
I’ve just had a quick look and the tan is starting to take but I have a feeling when I go before the cameras I will need to put on some body make-up as well as I’m just so white and aborb all the colour. Some years ago I was doing a Latin American dance number in a show and wore a mid drift top. I spent ages making up my middle only to be told afterwards that I should have made up my mid-drift. So here’s hoping! I’ve just had another look and I have a feeling that by morning I will look normal rather than tanned but then that’s me! The translation for my name Fiona means White Woman or Fair!
Well must dash as I’ve lots to plan and I have a show tomorrow plus a dress fitting to squeeze in before the shoot. Keep Watching and Toodle Pip!