Shopping at Hammersmith Vintage Fair!
Hello every-one I’ve been out every day this week performing Easter Bonnet Shows. Today I had a morning show so I was able to get back to the office in good time to finish my paperwork although it seems like every-one seems to be chasing the same dates which in many case I could have sold five times over. Tomorrow I have two shows back to back so it’s a busy time of year and it’s good to see my plans taking shape.
Oh before I forget – remember to tune into my radio show on 1940sradio .com on Sunday. I’ve produced an Easter Special and my program will be going out on air at 3am, 12pm and 7pm. I

The Perfect Buttons!
recorded the program a while ago so it will be good to hear it again and I hope you will enjoy my musical choices which all have a bit of an Easter theme so keep listening!
On Sunday I was in Hammersmith attending the Vintage Fashion fair at the Town Hall. It’s one of my favorite haunts as it’s the only place I know where I can buy vintage fashion and accessories all under one roof. Hammersmith always makes for a fabulous day out. On this occasion I had a list and I went with the sole intention to buy buttons and accessories. I’m currently having two 1940s dresses made and I was in need of some orange buttons. It’s great when a plan comes together and sure enough while I was there I was able to find just what I was looking for. However I had to be strict with myself and resist a few items I would have loved. In particular I came across the most beautiful 1940s blue tartan suit which would have been perfect for Scotland. I had to say no although

The Suit That Got Away!
I have a feeling this may be a decision I will regret as suits of this quality and condition don’t come up for sale that often. When I went back it had sold and now I really regret not buying it but I wanted to stick to my plan and buy accessories for the outfits I’m currently working on. While I was there I was able to buy a lapel dress clip for my new 1940s green suit plus a selection of flowers to make a corsage to tie in with a particular hat I wish to wear this season.
Last Monday after my show I visited Richard at his new recording studio in Bracknell. These last few years I’ve been concentrating on producing videos and showreels although I feel it’s high time to invest in some new musical arrangements. You may recall in a couple of my past blogs I met up with Mike Morgan a few weeks ago who is producing a “Grease” medley for me which if everything goes to plan I will be able to start using in May. I have a wedding coming up in June where the bride has requested “Long Ago and Far Away”

In Apple Blossom Time!
along with “Apple Blossom Time” two numbers I need to add to my collection. I’m also keen to expand my 1960s and 70s repertoire and I’m commissioning an arrangement of “You’re My World” and “What I did for Love”. For “What I Did for Love” we will be using a full orchestra which is very exciting!
That’s all my news for now as I continue with the Easter Bonnet show season. When I get back I shall be getting ready for a Victorian photo shoot at Shuttleworth House. But more on that later.
Keep Following, Toodle Pip and Bye for Now!