Hello one and all and welcome to my news page. Here you can see me as my two alter egos the ever efficient secretary Prudie Jones, Evette the Spivette and plain old little me as you catch up with all that is current in my world. Regrettably unlike Prudie my spelling is quite frightful at the best of times due to my dyslexia so I shall apologise now for anything which might be shamefully mis-spelt. In the mean time I hope you find this page fun, entertaining and informative and become a regular visitor to my site.

Kind Regards

A Voice in a Million

Coronation Fever & Celebrating VE Day!

The King and I!

It’s been an amazing week as I continue to perform “Happy and Glorious” shows with my last Coronation concert due to take place on Monday 15th May. I shall be performing for a Vintage High Tea at The Poplars Garden Center in Toddington on that date and it’s already promising to be a fabulous afternoon.

If you would like to book a table please click the enclosed link where you can find more information about the event and it will be delightful to see you.

I’ve performed sixteen shows in eleven days and it’s been great to see peoples decorations as I’ve been travelling about. It’s hard work performing show after show but very enjoyable and I wouldn’t have it any other way. On the day of the coronation I was fascinated by the ceremony. My first show

Coronation Fever!

was at 11am which was brought forward to 10.30am  so my audience were able to hear me and watch the first part of the coronation playing out behind me on a large screen.

Like the rest of the nation I was mesmerised by the ceremony. Steeped in 900 years of tradition I found the whole event really joyous. Perhaps one of the highlights for me was seeing our armed forces matching down the Mall to Buckingham Palace and negotiating that tricky gate with a specially devised  marching manoeuvre as our troupes went from twelve abreast to six.

I know as a nation we like to have a moan from time to time but it’s events like this which really makes one proud to be British. No other country in the

Off Ration VE Day High Tea in Kettering!

world does this sort of thing as well as us and we should be proud of the fact! I had two shows the day of the coronation but I was fortunate my second show was much later in the day which meant I was able to catch the highlights between performances. I’ve also been performing my new British Themes medley which has been a super  addition to my show and lovely to hear all those fresh sounding instruments too.

It’s great to be busy and I just have another two coronation shows to do with a “Putting on the Ritz” and a “Magic of the Musicals” this weekend

Hope and Glory in Wallingford!

which will break things up a little bit and give me a change of repertoire. On the 8th May I was invited to perform my “We’ll Meet Again” ATS show for VE Day which once again was followed by a sumptuous off ration tea.

It’s been an interesting month because a lot of the bigger events didn’t really take off until very late in the season. This was largely due to a short fall in funds as most of the money was spent on the Queens Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Councils were very late to book and in many cases it was the private sector and the care home market which really went to town and planed ahead for the coronation. I was contacted very late by a couple of councils by which time I had already sold all my dates to other clients.

It seems I’m not alone as most vintage and retro entertainers were performing predominantly for private parties and the pub

The Cutting of The Coronation Cake!

market rather than for big out-door events which as it happens proved to be very fortuitous. Especially as many of the out door events planned for the 6th May ended up being rained off.

I’ve been very blessed to have been working every day since the 3rd April with only three days off. However with the cost of living going up so much it’s not easy making a living especially with the bottom falling out of so many events. These days it’s often much more cost effective to play three local care homes than travel and sing at a heritage event.

Coronation Cake!

It’s important to keep working and fortunately I have plenty of variety in my repertoire covering so many different styles and genres. I never stop learning new songs and it’s important to stay on trend so I’m especially looking forward to including three of my new post modern numbers into my “Putting on the Ritz” show on Saturday.

That’s all my news for now and I shall leave you with a few of my photos from this weeks coronation shows.

Keep Following – Toodle Pip and Bye for Now! 😉

Meeting Up with King Charles III

The Royal Coach Cake Stand!