Back in the Office!
Hello every-one and welcome to my blog. I can’t spend too long tonight only because I have decided to devote this weekend to catching up with paper work and boy do I have a lot of catching up to do. This is my first free weekend since February and I have so much sorting out to do. So it’s time to put on my glasses and become my alter ego the ever efficient secretary Prudie Jones.
I have lots of ideas buzzing around in my head about how I would like to up date my web-site which up until now I haven’t been able to put down onto paper. My 1950s and 60s page is long over due for a re fresh and I’ve lots of new photos I want to add in. Many of these will be in the form of cut-outs but it takes a lot of sorting out finding the perfect shot to go with the theme. It’s likely I wont be able to see Rachel my web-designer before August and as I’m now fully booked from the 19th through to 12th August it’s important I get everything ship-shape and ready for when we do. By then I hope to have a finished 1920s and 30s showreel to show you plus a finished take on “Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend” and “Mr Sandman”. Mr Sandman is already finished and in the can although these films wont be up loaded to you tube until August so do keep watching and I shall keep you posted.
Rather exciting I’ve just had conformation through today to perform out in Milan. I love Italy and although I’ve been to Rome a couple of times this will be my first trip to Milan so it’s time for Paul and I to brush up on our Italian. I’ve been asked to perform two shows and sing in English, French and Italian. At first we did look at driving down through France although the client has agreed to fly us out which is all very exciting and I’m looking forward to including some Italian Opera in my show plans.
I shall leave it here tonight only I thought it might be lovely to add to my facebook page video of the week. You Tube is full of wonderful clips from the musicals and it might be wonderful to start sharing more of them with you through my pages. I’ve already up loaded a couple, Fred and Eleanor tap dancing to “Begin the Beginne” and “Good Morning” from “Singing in the Rain”. So here’s to making it a regular thing.
Toodle Pip and Bye for Now! 😉