On Stage with the Queen!
I can’t begin, with-out saying how lovely it was for Paul, Poppy and I to get away and enjoy a few days holiday last week in the Cotswolds. I’ve been working extremely hard of late and now that I’m back it’s full steam ahead with the Jubilee and “Happy and Glorious” shows. I had hoped I would have lots of lovely photographs to share with you all of our time away but sadly when I got back I realized my sim card had developed a fault and I’m hoping my computer man will be able to rescue my snaps before too long.

Meeting up at Militaria with Yvonne!
Paul and I spent our holiday time just pottering about which suited Poppy perfectly as we stayed close to our hotel in Motrton-in-the-Mash. We got back on Friday evening and I performed my first Jubilee shows of the season on Saturday returning to Stonleigh Park in Warwickshire for Sunday’s Militaria show. I have a lot of plans for this year and I’m investing in my costumes and photography. I have a number of projects I’m keen to finish but I can’t do that until I get the right publicity shots.
Paul and I are booked to perform at Stonehurst Farm’s 1940s event this August and I’ve arranged to do a 1940s photo shoot the day after the event. It seemed too good an opportunity to miss and I’m going to be using the photos in a couple of promotional videos, later this year. I decided to invest in a Land Army uniform on Sunday which I picked up at the

Shopping with James!
Militaria Show. I don’t like buying clothes off the internet as they need to fit and it’s always best to try everything on first.
The hardest thing is getting vintage style shirts with the right collar shapes. However tonight I think I may have found just the right person who will be able to supply me with exactly what I need.
While I was away I was thrilled that Peter was able to finish my new “In Cabaret” page for my web-site, which I hope in turn will attract a lot of new business. Up to now I’ve been pitching predominantly to the vintage, re-enactment market but it’s always good to have lots of options and to have pages designed with particular clients in mind.
To check out my new page please click the link below :-
I shall leave my blog here tonight as I need to get to bed.
Keep Following Toodle Pip and Bye for now! 😉