Sometimes you never know what is waiting for you around the corner! I was all set for a quite weekend of catch up and contract typing when the phone rang. Could I sing that night in Lytham St Anne’s – No problem so this weekend I have been up on the Flyde cost an area I know quite well as I started my professional career in Blackpool and may I say it was rather lovely to see the old place again. Blackpool is one of those places you either love or hate but nearly everyone you meet is in showbiz in one way or another or a landlady. The only snag about Blackpool is it is almost compleatly controlled by agents and they have a very set idea about what singers should sing making it very difficult for anyone with a fresh aproach to work. However in this case that rather worked to my advantage as the Hotel needed a 1940s singer and Blackpool couldn’t suply. Acording to Blackpool agents nobody wants to hear swing anymore it’s too old fashioned and if you want to work you need to add in a Serchers Medley or some 60s numbers. (There lies the joke!) But you know what dispite all that I love Blackpool and I do find myself popping in from time to time – and the best bit is I can go any place any where at any time. That’s the great thing about being free and single I can just jump in my van and go!
Saturday night’s job couldn’t have been easier – all I had to do was sing while people were dinning how easy peasy is that. Cash in hand sorted! I also had the pleasure of working with a fantastic girl singer called Nicki Miller who quite frankly could do Barbara Striseland better than Striseland. She also looked alot like her too only pretter! Nicki was just a joy to watch and listen to and I really enjoyed our chat afterwards about the biz and Blackpool. I hope our paths cross again so fingers crossed. It was wonderful to meet you Nicki and do keep in touch!
Sunday I wized down the M6 as I had to be at the recording studio in Bracknell for the evening. I’ve just had my Christmas medley remasted with a new arrangement done for the Christmas season. Once again Richard has done me proud but it does rather make the rest of my Chistmas songs sound old and I’m going to have to have all those re-done for next year I think. In the meantime today I’ve just had a very important bussness lunch with one of the movers and shakers from the 40s sceen which has proved to be very informative for both of us! The next few weeks are going to be very busy for me with the run up to Christmas and Remberance. I shall try and keep you posted so do Keep Watching and don’t forget you can catch me on the 10th November at The Lion in Waddesdon, Bucks. I shall be on stage at 9pm -9.45pm ATS and 10.30pm -11.30pm with 1940s glamour. I think there is food available so for more details ring the pub on Tel 01296 651227 See you there and Toodle Pip for Now!