At The Carew Control Tower!
Hello every-one it’s been full steam ahead these last few weeks and last night I returned home after a few days away in Cheddar Gorge with Paul and Poppy. In fact it was one of those weekends where everything clicked together quite perfectly all due to the fact I received a call to step in at the last minute to perform at The Carew, Cheriton, Control Tower for Mil-fest. The event had lost their singer at short notice due to a double booking and as I was heading over to the west of the country anyway it wasn’t that difficult for me to go a day early and head on into Wales.
I first had a show on Friday in Oxfordshire and
On Stage with Mike!
then straight afterwards I hit the M4. Being Friday night I didn’t reach Llanyeefn until 10.30pm but fortunately the event organizers Mike and Sue very kindly put me up over night in their lovely farm house which was just wonderful. I always enjoy going to new places and meeting new people and this was the control tower’s first 1940s event so I was thrilled I could step in at short notice. It’s very rural around the control tower and the organizers were thrilled with the turn out which attracted over 400 visitors all of whom were local people.
All Set to Sing “GI Jive”!
I performed 3 x 45 minute shows daily starting with my WAAF show, a “Hooray for Hollywood” in the middle and I finished the day with my “GI Jive” show. A great combination I find as I sold lots of CDs and the audience stayed on to see my final set resulting in the refreshment tent selling out of refreshments – which were all delicious by the way and I especially enjoyed my scotch egg! Yummy!
Afterwards I made my way over to Cheddar Gorge where I met up with Paul and Poppy in the motor home. We had promised ourselves a little holiday before we head out to
Out and About at Cheddar Gorge!
Normandy next month and we wanted to go somewhere where we could take Poppy. We only had two days so we enjoyed one day in Cheddar and the other at Weston Super Mere. Sometimes it’s good to let ones hair down and go a little casual as I swapped my costumes and uniforms for country casuals.
Things are now starting to get very busy indeed and I’m off on Saturday to perform on Sunday on the Sandringham Estate for the Caravan Club. This engagement came through an agent and I’ve been asked to perform in ATS uniform a Vera Lynn show,
Waking Up with Poppy First Thing in the Morning!
songs from the 1940s which couldn’t be easier!
It’s hard to believe I will be sailing to Normandy on the 1st June and I now have a very full Itinerary of shows to perform once I get to France. Some of you may have already seen on Facebook what I’m going to be doing as the final details are only just starting to come together. I’m still waiting to hear back from Port en Bessin about times but this is how things stand so far.
Sat 3rd June = Airborne Museum, Ste-Mere-Eglise, Utah, 17.00h – 18.00h US WAC Show “GI Jive”
Paul and Poppy in Weston Super Mere!
Sun 4th June = US Camp Outside the Church, Ste-Marie-du-Mont, Utah, 12.00h – 18.00h singing 20 minutes on 20 minutes off all through the day US WAVES Shows x 9
Mon 5th June = Mayors D-Day Dinner, Benouville, Pegasus Bridge, Sword (Private Event)
Tues 6th June, Outside 6th June Museum, Arromanches, Gold 13.00h – 14.00h ATS “We’ll Meet Again”
21.30h – 23.00h Times to be confirmed 1940s Glamour “In the Mood”
Wed 7th June, Port en Bessin, Time to be Confirmed
Going Casual in Weston with Poppy!
More news to follow soon about times and the style of some of my shows.
In the mean time I will leave my blog here tonight and I hope to do another quick post before I sail and after I come back from Sandringham.
Keep Watching and I shall keep you posted. Toodle pip and Bye for Now! 😉