Today I’ve been singing at the Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury for the launch of Armed Forces Day. It was one of those funny time shows where I had to start at 1pm but needed to be there at 12pm seting up. So it ment I had to have my lunch at 10.30am this morning so I could fit everything in and get to the theatre on time. That’s the thing about being a diabetic you can’t miss meals. It’s so anoying somethimes as eating can really get in the way when you are busy!
I got to the theatre in plenty of time and I was shown to Stage two and set everything up – only at five to one to be told they wanted me out-side in the foyae and not on the stage until later. So everything had to be struck down and re-set. Forchantly I had Jude the theaters Technition on hand to give me a hand and some very strong cadets who carried everything through. Phew that was a close one – Dispite the location mix up I was still able to start on time as many hands make light work! I sang light background music during the Canape’ Reception and then 15mins of 1940s sing along favourits in the theatre.
I’m not sure if Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire and Lieutenant Colonel Simon Wilkinson were quite ready for me. However when it comes to a Fiona Harrison show I’m very serouse about flag waving as nobody gets away with it and it was lovely to see all the VIPs singing away! They weren’t exspecting me or that – such fun!
It’s amazing who you meet at these things as the introduction was given by Chris Williams the Clerk to the Buckinghamshire Lieutenancy. Unbelivably he reconised me from seeing me on Friday at The Richard Alston Ballet. He was sitting right behind Linda and I – small world isn’t it! I hope he couldn’t hear what we were saying as I think we did spend quite a bit of time admiring one gentleman dancers butocks and talking about knickers! Ops! Please tell me I haven’t put my foot in it again!
Don’t forget you can see me this weekend at The Forties Family Experience at The Lincolnssfields Children’s Centre, Bushey check out the link www.fortiesexperience.co.uk www.lincolnsfields.co.uk
It’s a special 1940s weekend with much going on Military and Civil Vehicles, Lindy Hop dancing and me ofcourse. I am performing 3 x 45 min shows daily
Saturday 11.30am ATS We’ll Meet Again, 1.30pm Hooray for Hollywood 3.30pm Sing Sing Sing Lindy Hop show + I shall be singing at the Saturday night dance. On Sunday 11.30am Anchors Aweigh US WAVES show 1.30pm Evette the Spivette my famous female singing Spiv show and at 3.30pm I shall be finishing off with my Lindy Hop Show. So do make it if you can.
Bed time now I think. Thanks for following and Toodle Pip!