It’s been a very busy few weeks one way and another and this weekend has been just as busy if not more so. In fact if I’m honest I’m feeling a little pooped today and in desprate need of an early night – but then I love to work and I have been enjoying myself rather!
As you know I was at the Ballet on Friday night with my friend Linda watching the Richard Alston Dance Company. I don’t know if it is because I have been a dancer but when I watch them I have this wonderful sence of being up lifted. It’s like my body is dancing with them too and I can feel my muscels working and heart pounding it’s all very exciting. But then that is how dance should be and what a wonderful program they danced too. We saw “The Devil in the Detail” which was danced to Rag Time Music. “Shimmer” where the company wore the most beautiful cobweb inspired costumes and Roughcut. When I left the theatre I had this urge to get up and dance and infact I did abit in the car park much to Linda’s amusement! Oh gosh I’ve just remembered I shall be back at The Waterside Theatre this Wednesday singing for the lanch of Armed Forces Day so I had better get everything sorted! I don’t know so much to do and not enough time to do it all in!
Sunday I was at Swingrave’s Vintage Market and Tea Dance and what a great day that was too. Sandy had done a wonderful job on advertising and it was packed. I booked an apointment with my hair dresser Angela as she had a stall and I knew that if everyone saw me having my hair done it would encourage everyone eles to have theirs done too and sure enough it worked! Angela was busy for the rest of the day! While I was there I met a photographer and I hope to have some photos to show you all. As yet they haven’t come through by e-mail but do watch this space and I shall post them up as and when. In the mean time Christine Chambers of Crystal House Wellbeing Centre has very kindly posted up a shot on my facebook page so do take a look if you can.
By the evening the stalls cleared away and I was ready for a good dance. After 2 weeks of non stop singing and being somewhat inspired by the Richard Alston Dance Company I decided to go for it as my body was crying out for a good workout so I gave it one! Gosh I feel much better for that! They had a great D-J on hand and I really enjoyed listening to Sopie Garner – what a wonderful voice and I hope very much to see her again on the circuit sometime soon. Wonderful performance Sopie you were great! I myself will be taking part in a Swingrave event on the 7th July when I’m booked to run a Singing workshop but more of that nerer the time!
This week I’m as busy as ever – I did my last Easter Bonnet show today and tomorrow I’m doing Magic of the Musicals in Sandy and then I’m in Aylesbury at the Theater with the launch. Don’t forget you can see me this weekend at the Forties Family Experience at the Lincolnsfield Childrens Centre, Bushy Hall Drive, Bushey, Herts. I’m performing 3 x 45 min shows daily and I shall tell you more about that when I next blog. So do Keep Watching www.fortiesexperience.co.uk www.lincolnsfields.co.uk
Time for bed I think – thanks for following and Toodle Pip!