Si, Paul and I at The Crown!
Firstly I’d like to begin my blog tonight be thanking every-one who came along to see Paul and I perform last Saturday for Armed Forces Day at The Crown in Hazlemere. It was an incredibly hot day and even Poppy prefered to spend her time flaked out in the cool rather than on stage as we performed 3 x 45 minute shows.
Si Harvey and all his team from the Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club of Hazlemere worked incredibly hard and together we were able to raise £2623.06 for SSAFA which is an superb achievement when you consider this was a
On Stage With The Military!
relatively small event. The pub was packed all day and even well into the evening people were still arriving to enjoy the festive atmosphere.
It was wonderful to see the residence form the Royal Star and Garter home in High Wycombe who booked a table and came in three runs so all their residence could enjoy the day and all three shows.
The Crown looked amazing and the Breakfast Club had gone the extra mile to build me a stage and decorate the pub in union jack flags
On Stage For A Rock and Roll Proms!
and bunting. They had even gone to the trouble of building a special dressing room (complete with carpet) where I was able to change and hang my costumes safely which was much appreciated.
When temperatures start to sore it’s important to say cool and I had three costume changes. I opened the event with my popular ATS “We’ll Meet Again” 1940s show, followed by 1940s glamour where Paul and I sang popular Big Band and Swing tunes from the 1940s & 50s. We concluded the afternoon with a Rock and Roll Proms and finished with Land of Hope and Glory. I
Seeing the Military Vehicles!
think we can safely say a good time was had by all and the weather was glorious.
It’s been an extremely busy time and for those of you who follow me you will know I don’t get many days off. On this occasion Paul and I decided to make something of a weekend of it as we stayed at The Bull Hotel in Gerrards Cross. The hotel is only 20 minutes away from Hazlemere and is dog friendly which made it the perfect choice. We had a lovely ground floor room which was ideal for Poppy so come Sunday we spent the day in the garden chilling out after our busy Armed Forces
Out and About with Poppy!
Day Saturday making the most of the summer weather.
It’s important to make the most of every-day and I still have some catching up to do when it comes to telling you all my news. It only occurred to me the other day I hadn’t written about my visit to the Shuttleworth airshow.
Not long after returning home from Normandy my friend Dave Proctor very kindly sent me VIP tickets to see the Best of British air show. I know Shuttleworth well having performed there on many an occasion but this time was a little
Rob Enjoying the Airshow!
different as I was invited to enjoy the show as a guest. Unfortunately Paul and Poppy weren’t able to attend but my friend Rob Bailey was able to join me instead as we enjoyed a beautiful day picnicking in the sunshine.
Dave met us at the show and gave us a fabulous VIP tour of the museum and work-shop which took us behind the scenes. The Shuttleworth collection is unique in that their aircraft and vehicles on display don’t just languish in hangers but they actually get flown and driven. It’s extraordinary to see early Edwardian aircraft in
Off Duty in my Casuals at Shuttleworth!
the air along with rare examples of aviation history making star appearances in full working condition.
We had VIP seats by the control tower and as the weather conditions were perfect for flying the air show went on well onto 10pm as we enjoyed an amazing array of flying performances.
Next week I have a full diary with shows every-day. On Wednesday I will be performing at the RAF Club in Halton for a Vintage and Post Modern mix of music which I will be performing
All Set to Take Off!
on their patio stage.
I shall leave you with a few of my favo
And So to Bed – Putting the Aircraft Away!
rite photos.
Toodle Pip, Keep Following and Bye for Now! 😉