Ist WAAF Show Of the Day!
Once again I’m dashing tonight to try and keep you all up to date with my news and believe me I have plenty to share with you all. This Saturday I’m going to be performing for Armed Forces Day at the Crown Pub, Hazlemere, High Wycombe HP15 7QA. Hosted by the Armed Forces Breakfast Club of Hazlemere it’s already promising to be a fantastic event with something for all the family to enjoy.
I will be on stage performing 3 x 45 minute shows all afternoon as follows:-
12.30pm “We’ll Meet Again” ATS, 2.30pm “In the Mood” Big Band & Swing, 4.00pm “Rock & Roll Proms” 1950s, 60s 70s & more. There will also be free car parking, an outside bar, BBQ, raffle-tombola, activities with the Cadets, a Spitfire fly past scheduled for 12.07, face painting, crafts, military vehicles and at 1.00pm the laying of the wreath. An event not to be missed

On the Platform at Nene Valley Railway!
and we hope you can all make it along as it would be lovely to see you!
If you caught my last blog you will know I still have some catching up to do due to the fact my website went down at the end of May. There was a fault with my hosting company but I’m pleased to say we are all back up and running now.
On the 27th May I had the pleasure of performing for the Nene Valley Railway. The last time I played at Nene Valley was back in 2009 so it was lovely to see the railway again after all this time. I’d been engaged

All Set to Sing the 1960s & 70s!
to perform a mix of music from the 1940s through to the 1970s over three sets and opening with my RAF Battle of Britain WAAF Show “Straighten up and Fly Right”.
It was a special occasion as there were guests from the RAF to see the unveiling of the 92 Squadron Battle of Britain Class No 34081 locomotive complete with military RAF band. The 92 Squadron locomotive lives at Nene Valley Railway and guests sang along as I performed aeronautical favourites from “Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines” to “He Wears a Pair of Silver Wings” and “Dambusters”.

Meeting Up with Dr Busker!
For my second set I came back with songs from the 1950s and conclude with the Swinging 60s & Cheesy 70s. However after meeting up with fellow entertainer Dr Busker who was playing later that evening we finished with an impromptu performance of “Don’t Dilly Dally on the Way”. After all you can’t really go wrong with Marie Lloyd when it comes to communal singing and getting the crowd motivated.
We couldn’t have wished for better weather which is rare when it comes to a British bank holiday weekend, however it was all changed as I made my way down to Basingstoke the following day

On Stage Performing “GI Jive” at Milestones Museum!
to perform for Milestones Museum’s 1940s event.
I’d been looking forward to this event all year because unlike other 1940s events which usually only take place at weekends Milestones run their events all week to tie in with the children’s half term. I had been booked to perform on the bank holiday Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th May 3 x 45 minute shows daily. Once again I had organised my performances so there wouldn’t be any repeats with a different selection of songs and shows each day.

Refreshments at the Vintage Tea Tent!
Milestones is a little like the Black Country Living museum in that it houses a complete village only at Milestones it’s all undercover in a hugh hanger making it the obvious choice to take the family when the weather is bad. On this occasion the sun shone relentlessly and it was more about the public coming to Milestones to get out of the glare of the mid-day sun rather than bad weather.
I had the perfect location performing by the vintage tea tent on the recreated village green. I sang my way through over hundred numbers in two days and I’m now looking forward to returning to

Out-side Milestones Museum as a Wren!
sing for the museums Twixmas event which will be running from 27th through to 31st December. In the mean-time I will leave you with a few of my favourite photos and I hope very much to see a few of you at our Armed Forces event in Hazlemere this coming weekend.
Keep Following Toodle Pip and Bye for now! 😉

Dressed for my 1940s Glamour Set!