Behind the Scenes & Getting Ready to go on Stage
May I start by saying a big thank-you to every-one who came along to my show on Saturday night at Ollie Vees Vintage Emporium as I presented “Life on the Wicked Stage”. It was wonderful to see you all and I just loved the intermit setting of the Tiki Lounge. I think this is the smallest venue I’ve ever played. We had a packed house as the venue can only hold 25 people but saying that we were able to squeeze in an extra 2 with standing room only while a few of my groupies sat on the stairs! How cool is that! Up to now I have only ever done engagements as I’ve never felt myself to be cool enough to warrant the term “Gig” so this is my very first. I’ve never worked a venue where people stand around with drinks so I’ve come away feeling very cool indeed like I’ve just walked out of “Happy Days playing the Fonz”!

I’m a Picture Post Card – On stage in the Tiki Lounge!
There’s something wonderful about playing a small venue because it allows you to be a little more experimental and to try out new material. Billy and Adrian who run Ollie Vees like their entertainment nights to offer something different from the norm and I made a point to include a real variety of music. On this occasion I presented a show about my life in show biz and I was able to include some of my favourite poems and sketches I use to perform when I first started out all those years ago. I’m a big Joyce Grenfell fan and I included one of her Shirley’s Girlfriend sketches, the songs “Picture Postcard” and “Statley as a Galleon” which reminds me of my Red Coating days when I had to dance bust to bust with all the old ladies. For act two I

My friend Kim Enjoying her Cocktail – It was a Very Good Night!
opened my set with the Jungle Book and my take on “I Want To Be Like You” closing with “Nessum Dorma” as you can’t beat a good aria. I’d been rehursing all week in particularly Nole Cowards “The Stately Homes of England”. Boy what a lot of words but sheer writing genus and it’s one of those songs which work so well in an intermit setting. Ollie Vees are famous for their wonderful cocktails only I’m glad I never had one as I might have ended up doing an Eric Morecombe. That is to say singing all the right words but not necessarily in the right order.

Having my Hair Done for the Show!
Now I’m back at my desk it’s all go for next week with 3 shows to do on St Georges Day and then after my show on Friday I’m heading straight down to Devon and onto Totnes. I’m booked to sing for a private function in Paignton so I’m making the most of it and enjoying a few days away. No sooner do I return and I’m engaged to sing in Romford in Essex with the Abbingdon Air and Country show booked in for the 3rd May. Busy Busy!
Keep Watching and Toodle Pip for Now!